Welcome to Grove City College’s
Department of Graduate and Online Programs!


Grove City College offers online college courses for high school students (dual enrollment program), college students, and adult learners.  Grove City College also offers an online MBA and an online Master of Science in Business Analytics.

This blog is a repository for helpful information, online course listings, course syllabi, and graduate course syllabi.  If you would like to visit the official Grove City College sites, visit the Dual Enrollment page, the Online Courses page, or the Graduate Programs page.

Online College Courses for High School Students (Dual Enrollment)

  • Classes online
  • Earn college credit while in high school
  • Courses fulfill requirements of multiple majors
  • Reduced overall college costs


  • Classes online
  • Finish undergraduate early
  • Add a Masters degree
  • Adult learners and part-times students welcome



  • MBA and M.S. Business Analytics
  • Classes online with opportunities to network
  • Part-time option for MBA / MSBA and full-time for MSBA



* Grove City College does not accept any funds that derive in any part, directly or indirectly, from federal sources (including scholarship or loan funds). Students who receive any federal financial assistance are ineligible to receive credit from Grove City College.