Registration for online courses is now open!   

The current list of online courses for high school students is below.  Click the course name to be taken to the course description. Scroll to the right to see when each course is expected to be offered.

Please note, this list is subject to change.  New courses may still be added and can be announced via Instagram @GroveCityOnlineStudies.  Official course listing are always found at the registrar’s site.

Navigate to our official Dual Enrollment site for enrollment information.

All of the columns in the spreadsheet below may not be visible on a phone.

* Undergraduates are given priority registration for May, Early Summer, Late Summer, Winter terms, and in-seat Fall/Spring courses.

** Dual Enrolled students are welcome to enroll in Fall and Spring courses. Seats are filled in the order of completed registration.

+ Synchronous course or significant synchronous components.  For specific course times, see this file.

^ Two real-time visits to campus are required in this course unless alternate arrangements are made in advance with the faculty.

~ In Summer 2020, ACCT 201 offered May 18 – June 24; ACCT 201 offered 7/1 – 8/2. MUSI 103 offered 7/1-8/22.  Dates may change for Summer 2021.

> Grove City College does not accept any funds that derive in any part, directly or indirectly, from federal sources (including scholarship or loan funds). Students who receive any federal financial assistance are ineligible to receive credit from Grove City College.