Why would a high school student want to take a Grove City College online course during high school (Young Leaders Program)?  Consider the list of reasons below:
  • Grove City College’s online courses can be completed at the student’s convenience.  Courses follow normal term start and end dates, and assignment have due dates, but students can complete the work according to their own personal schedule.
  • Students can complete standard course requirements applicable to most degrees.  Students can earn college credit for typical freshman courses such as writing, social science, and humanities courses.
  • Students can enroll in major-specific courses.  Students can explore business courses, engineering courses, and exercise science courses, for example, to explore foundational courses in their anticipated major.  This is a low risk way to help students determine if the intended major is the right fit for them.
  • Taking online Grove City College courses may allow high school students more flexibility with their high school academic schedule.  If a student is deliberating between a science class and a fun elective offered at her high school, she can take both with Grove City College’s online program.  The student can take the fun elective during the day at her high school and take the science class online through Grove City College.   In addition, athletes who may miss the last period of the day for a sporting event or who are required to take a study hall first period for practice can keep on pace with their academics by enrolling in Grove City College’s online program. Students should check with their parents and their guidance counselor to see if this may be a good fit for you.
  • Taking online courses through Grove City College allows students to become familiar with Grove City College’s culture.  Students will experience Grove City College’s student-centric approach to education, a key attribute of all of Grove City College’s courses.   In addition, nearly all online courses are developed and taught by the same faculty who teach in the classroom, so students will encounter the same high-quality instruction in the online classroom as in the traditional classroom.
  • Students can prepare for the rigor of college with minimal risk while still in high school.  Students can begin the transition to college in these online courses.  Students can earn Grove City College credit.  Students can learn how to succeed in college courses by gradually transitioning to the high expectations of college courses.  Students will earn Grove City College credit for these courses, and should verify how the grade will transfer to their college academic record.
  Would you like to learn more about Grove City College’s online courses for high school students?  Contact the Online Education Office at OnLineStudies@gcc.edu or the academic advisor at OLS@gcc.edu.
a. with the exception of California. b. Be sure to speak with our Admissions staff and your own Guidance team to verify that all credits will apply as you intend.