Dual Enrollment students are permitted to enroll in 100- and 200-level courses only.
Sample Syllabi
Sample online course syllabi are below. We will continue to add to this list, so check back frequently.
If you are looking for the syllabus for a specific online course and it is not below, please send us an e-mail (OnlineStudies@gcc.edu) and we will do our best to locate that particular syllabus for you.
NOTE: These are sample syllabi and are subject to change.
- Astronomy
- ASTR 206 – Introduction to Sky Motion and Planets
- ASTR 207 – Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology
- Biology
- BIOL 372 – Contemporary Topics in Biology – Microbial Pathogenesis
- Design
- DESI 101 – Introduction to Visual Communication Design
- DESI 110 – Design Software for Beginners
- DESI 220 – Design History
- Education
- EDUC 205 – Overview of the Teaching Profession
- EDUC 228 – Survey of Adolescent Literature
- EDUC 343 – Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education
- EDUC 410/510 – Integrative STEM for Early Childhood and Elementary School
- EDUC 411/511 – Integrative STEM for Adolescent and Middle School
- EDUC 412/512 – Integrative STEM for Secondary and High School
- EDUC 413/513 – Integrative STEM Practicum and Applied Leadership
- Engineering
- ENGR 274 – Mathematical Methods in Engineering
- MECE 107 – Engineering Graphics
- MECE 120 – Numerical Computing for Mechanical Engineers
- MECE 214 – Thermodynamics
- MECE 416 – Survey of Renewable Energy Systems
- Humanities
- HUMA 102 – Civilization and the Biblical Revelation
- Political Science
- POLS 101 – Foundations of Political Science
- POLS 204 – American National Government
- Science, Faith, and Technology
- Sociology
- SOCI 101 – Foundations of Applied Sociology