Pathways to Grove City College Majors via Online Courses

Links in this blogspot: Pathways to Grove City College Majors Grove City College Course Search Advising Guides Grove City College Bulletin
Are you considering enrolling in online courses at Grove City College as a high school student? Are you curious how these course offerings may satisfy the requirements of your intended major? If so, we’ve created a document just for you! The Pathways to Grove City College Majors document below illustrates how you can fulfill the requirements of the first year of required courses for multiple majors through the Young Leaders Program (also known as College in High School). Document details:- A sampling of Grove City College majors is listed across the top of the spreadsheet.
- The current listing of online courses is shown in the Course Subject and Name columns.
- You can either a.) find your major across the top and scroll down to find the online courses that help to fulfill the requirements of your major or b.) find a course in which you are interested in the Course Name column and see which majors require this course.
- You can scroll to the right past the majors and then see which term each course is currently projected to be offered. Note that these are tentative and not guarantees that the course will be offered at the projected time.
- For example, if you are interested in Physics, you can complete multiple course requirements beginning with the current term. You can see the detailed pathways to a Physics major here.
- The majority of majors require Humanities courses (e.g., HUMA 102, 200, and 202), a writing course (WRIT 101), a course in Studies in Science, Faith, and Technology (e.g., SSFT 210), as well as a Social Science course such as PSCY 101.
- Even if you are uncertain of your area of study, you can see from this document that the Dual Enrolled courses fulfill the requirements of multiple majors.
- If you would like to explore the required course list for a specific major in additional detail, you can review the Advising Guides. In the Advising Guides, you will see the specific requirements for each major (page 1 of the major-specific Advising Guide) and the recommended course list by semester (page 2 of the major-specific Advising Guide).