“Read the Syllabus” – What Does that Mean Exactly?

In most cases, the syllabus for a college course outlines the details of the semester: required textbook, test dates, faculty contact details, etc.  How can you use this information?  Why are these details important?

Key Elements of a Syllabus

Let’s look at a few of the key elements of a syllabus:

  • Faculty contact details – If you are working on an assignment and have a question, how will you contact the instructor?  You can find the instructor’s contact information in the syllabus.  In order to get the clarification you are seeking, you can review the syllabus for your instructor’s e-mail address, phone number, or online office hours information.
  • Materials – Which textbook do you need?  Is it ok to buy the text used?  Can you purchase a previous edition of the text?  The syllabus most likely includes the requirements for textbooks and other materials.
  • Late policy – Does your instructor accept late work? Will you receive a 0 for assignments submitted after the due date or will you earn partial credit?  Check the syllabus.
  • Discussion boards –  What are your instructor’s expectations for discussion boards?  What is the due date for your initial post?  What is the due date for your responses to your classmates?  How are your discussion board posts evaluated?  Read the syllabus.
  • Accommodations – If you believe you need particular accommodations in the course, check the syllabus for the process to contact Disability Services.
  • Grading policy – Does your instructor grade on a curve?  Is a 92% an A or an A-?  You may find this information in the syllabus.
  • Due dates – When is the next exam?  When is that paper due?  The key due dates may be listed in the syllabus.  College instructors may not remind you of due dates, so it’s up to you to mark your calendar with all due dates.

You have essential course information at your fingerprints in the syllabus.  You can locate these details and find answers to many of your questions regarding course process and policy.

What other information does a syllabus provide?  Share your feedback below!

Do you have questions about Grove City College’s online courses for high school students?  Ask your questions below or contact the Online Education Office at OnLineStudies@gcc.edu or your academic advisor at OLS@gcc.edu.