Welcome Back to School!!

It’s that time of year again!  Break out your pens, notebooks, backpacks, and pocket protectors because the first day of class is almost upon us.  This will be your “last first day” as a high school student so make it a memorable one.  Here, the Admissions Counselors have reflected on our most memorable first day of school.  Take a look at our stories and go make one of your own!


My first day of……college! I brought wayyyy too much to class. I had this idea that in college you had to bring all your books/textbooks to class (who knows why….) so I lugged around just about everything the first day. Then I realized that you don’t have to. Fortunately, my Resident Assistants back in the residence hall hosted a first day of school milk & cookies party at the end of the day, which made it all better. 🙂

“…milk and cookies party at the end of the day, which made it all better.”



I remember the first day of my first semester of my freshman year.  My RA decided he was going to take a picture of each and every guy on my hall on their way to class, kind of like a mom would.  Then he posted them all to Facebook.  I didn’t find it funny then but was certainly a memorable experience!

“…took a picture…then posted them all to Facebook.”


I like to think back to my first day of class in my junior year of college.  That was the year I was a Freshmen RA and was not only concerned about my classes but also those of my 20 freshmen guys.  Unlike Evan’s Freshmen RA, I did not take a picture of everyone.  Instead, I hosted a little breakfast with bagels, donuts, coffee and energy drinks (not healthy, I know, but so be it).  I used the memories of my mom making a big breakfast on my first day of high school and figured that since breakfast was in the cafeteria, I would offer a little Dunkin to my guys instead.  Besides, I got to keep the leftovers…

“…a little Dunkin…instead.”


Ahhh, senior year of high school. I had finally made it! And I was able to procure one of those hard to get parking passes. Since I was away that summer, my mom waited in line to not only secure my pass, but guarantee I would have a great spot, and boy did she succeed! I had one of the best spots on campus, though I didn’t have a car to put in it. Flash forward to the Sunday before school started. I was finally behind the wheel of my very own car. I didn’t care that it was a 20 year old Buick! Combined with my VIP parking spot I felt like I owned the school that first day and made sure to let everyone know it. Then it happened. Early in the day I was summoned to the office. Someone had miscounted the number of parking spaces needed for the teachers and faculty and all of a sudden that great student spot became the perfect answer to this miscalculation. I was given the option to forfeit my parking privileges or to park next door at the administration building, which I might add was down one of the largest hills I had ever encountered. Needless to say I learned a little humility that day and by the end of the year had some pretty amazing calves.

“…miscounted the number of parking spaces…”



I’m taking you wayyyyy back to my first day of high school. The braces were off, my hair was freshly highlighted (please don’t judge me), folders and three-ring binders were bought and labeled and I was ready to take high school by the horns. In high school I was part of a co-op program in which I got to leave a few periods early each day to take part in a pre-professional dance program. My dad had planned to pick me up that day, but because of a first day assembly, the whole class schedule was thrown off. When I didn’t show up at the time I told him to pick me up, he got worried and called my cell phone. This was around the time when downloading cool ringtones was all the rage, but seeing as I hadn’t even upgraded to the flip-phone yet, I was stuck with the generic beeps and chirps. A few minutes before my last class of the day was about to end, my phone erupted into this obnoxious techno-beeping jingle that could’ve woken a herd of sleeping cattle. Needless to say, every eye in that 9th grade honors English class turned viciously on my blushing cheeks. The teacher took my phone away and told me I had to bring a parent with me after school hours to claim it from the principal’s office. Pretty soon the staring eyes turned into (not so) hushed whispers that went something like this, “Duuuuuuuuuuude, I can’t believe that girl forgot to turn her phone on silent! It’s only the first day!”

Moral of the story: always have a cool ringtone.

“…techno-beeping jingle…”


Take a look at our previous post about Financial Aid (Sticker Shock Survival Suggestions) and understanding a bit more about what financial aid looks like at Grove City College.  Then, be on the look out for our next post titled: “Seven Steps to Mastering the Admissions Interview.”  As the title implies, it will be about setting yourself up for success in the college interview.



NOTE:  All images and graphics are used from giphy.com and are not owned or created by Grove City College or any organizations affiliated with it.

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