Tag Archives | Theatre

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The Phantom Tollbooth: Community-Building through Laughter and Lessons

Every spring semester, the Grove City Theater department puts on a spectacular display of color, song, and dance. Pastels and primaries adorn the sets, catchy, hummable tunes resonate from the stage, and actors dart this way and that in choreographed numbers. The production just described is the annual Children’s Theater musical, Grove City’s musical dedicated […]

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Family Weekend: A time to celebrate!

One of my favorite weekends in the spring semester comes at the end of April, known as Family Weekend.  It is a time when parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends can all come to campus to visit their students and celebrate the close of the school year. Family Weekend has been a tradition at Grove City […]

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Weekend Snapshot: March 4-5 and March 11-12

The last two weekends at Grove City College have been filled with student events and activities. On March 4-5 students watched their peers perform in two spring plays The Diviners and The Women of Lockerbie. The powerful shows were performed from March 2-5 and addressed issues such as poverty, family, tragedy, and much more. Students also saw […]

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