Archive | Finding your Fit

This series is about helping you walk through the college search and admissions processes. Each post has a different subject related to the search and what we think you should do to help find the right college fit.


I’m Accepted, Now What?

This time of year can bring both exhilaration and trepidation as you receive acceptance packets and try to navigate your next steps. Here are some important next steps to check off your To-Do list in the coming weeks and/or months.     Lastly, always make sure you ask if you have a question!  

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Why HOW You Communicate Matters.

You’ve narrowed down your list of colleges.  You’re interested in learning more about a few schools.  You know where to start and what type of questions to ask.  We’ve encouraged you to think about “Finding Your Fit”, provided information about visiting campus in “College Visits #1” and “College Visits #2”, and given a “Guide to […]

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Thinking of a Military Career?

Making the big decision to join a Uniformed Service of the United States can be a daunting task and one that requires a significant amount of self-assessment.  The institution that you choose can change if you decide to transfer, but signing a military contract is a binding decision that is not easily undone.  That being […]

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good fit

Finding Good Fit Colleges

  Ready for a little STRATEGY? Reach – Match – Safety  Consider all three of these types of schools realistically, ensuring that your applications won’t just fall into one category. It helps in the evaluation process of what your “one just right” school is. GPA and SAT scores are two ways to evaluate your personal […]

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