Helping You Succeed: Academic Resources on Campus

See below for a glimpse into what academic resources are available to you at Grove City College! This was written by a current student, Emma Thomas, who is a sociology major from Colorado. She is involved in athletics, Greek life, homecoming committee and more!

The transition to college can be overwhelming: new place, new home, new classes. When I came to Grove City, I initially felt swamped, but as time went on, I discovered that there were so many academic resources available to me as a student…



I remember being afraid of my professors at first. They seemed super intelligent and important – I figured they were too busy to know my name or to help me succeed. You can imagine my surprise when in the third week of school my professor knew my name and I had already visited him in his office for help. The first day of class every professor hands out the syllabus with their office hours posted on the first page. Professors’ availability and desire to see each student succeed defines a unique community at Grove City College. Whether to ask questions I missed on a test, make-up for a class, ask for help on preparing for a final exam, or to simply talk about my future and get advice, I utilize office hours frequently. It’s clear that Grove City College professors want to grow students not just academically, but also spiritually and into a well-rounded adult.



The library was another feature I’m thankful to have at Grove City. I honestly could not have survived my assigned term papers without its help. The librarians came into one of my humanities classes toward the beginning of the semester and explained how to access online databases as well as how to find any of the books in the stacks. Grove City also pays for a host of online journals that have access to more information than you could imagine. In fact, there is so much research available to you that it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. Luckily, the librarians also showed us how to narrow our searches or to truncate searches (if you don’t know what that is now, you will by the time you graduate). Of course, once I actually made my way over to the library to start my research, I found myself overwhelmed by the resources and didn’t know where to start. I hesitantly made my way over to the librarians working at the front desk for help. Not only did they help me but they were happy to do so.

Academic Advisors

Outdoor Classroom

My academic advisor has been one of the most helpful resources on campus. It was with him that I discovered I could graduate a year early and add two minors into my schedule. He also helped me see where I had potential and what careers would be a good match for my strengths. Your academic advisor will also approve your schedule every semester as another way to check that you are on track to graduate on time.

Academic Resource Center


The academic resource center coordinates tutoring opportunities and works with any student that needs special accommodations. They also have specific staff members who work with students with undeclared majors to advise them on which classes to take and in the end help them find a major. You can access their website HERE. As indicated on the website, some of the many resources offered include:

  • Study Skills Assistance
  • Disability Services & Accommodations
  • Retention Management
  • Graduate School Information
  • Tutoring Programs
  • Course Scheduling
  • Assistance with Major Changing

Writing Center


College level writing can be challenging. Even the best of writers may struggle to decide on a topic or need someone to read over a rough draft and give feedback. Fortunately, at GCC we have a Writing Center to support students. The staff will actually meet with you face to face to discuss your writing. It’s staffed Monday through Thursday from 3-8pm with undergraduate students. The Center even offers a good place to study and work on writing for those looking for a quiet place to focus. You can access their website HERE.

In summary, Grove City College has so much to offer in the form of academic resources. The offices/departments above are in addition to organized and impromptu study groups, review sessions, study lounges, academic lectures, and the irreplaceable environment of teachability and a desire to learn among fellow students! Please let us know (email, comment below, call, etc.) if you would like to learn more about a major or department and its resources, specifically!

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