Archive | Finding your Fit

This series is about helping you walk through the college search and admissions processes. Each post has a different subject related to the search and what we think you should do to help find the right college fit.


Standardized Testing 101

Standardized tests are an important part of the college admissions process. Not only are they important for general admission, but many colleges and universities use them for scholarship consideration. As you prepare to take these exams, here is some helpful information and tips to set you up for success.     What standardized tests does […]

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The Power of Peer Effect

In high school, I was a straight-A slacker. These two things sound like an oxymoron (how can you be both a slacker and get straight As?), but hear me out. I took numerous AP classes, had perfect attendance, and had above a 4.0 GPA, but I didn’t really understand the true purpose of my education. […]

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Less is More: 3 Perks of Small Colleges

Image via “One of the wonderful things about going to a small college is you can get into everything”- Art Linkletter. At this point in your college search, you’re probably most concerned with just getting into college. So what does Art Linkletter mean by “get into everything”? Well, smaller colleges offer you the opportunity to […]

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Discerning God’s Will

I’ve been where you’ve been. A difficult, life-changing decision ahead and you have no idea of where to go. Discerning God’s will can be difficult. Though God has a unique calling on each of our lives, He does not often speak to us through burning bushes like he did with Moses. With the help of […]

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