Grove City College Greek Life: The Sisterhood was Meant for Me

Many people are wary when they hear that Grove City College has Greek life on campus. Pop culture films and negative stereotypes come to mind when one thinks of sororities, but Grove City prides itself on being a distinctive school that cultivates an authentically Christian environment. Sororities on our campus are opportunities to join a close, Christian community that promotes friendship and service around campus.

As a junior sorority member on campus, I will be sharing what makes Grove City College’s Greek life different, as well as a little bit about my personal experience in Greek life.

One of the things that distinguishes Grove City College Greek life from Greek life everywhere else is the fact that we are under what is called a “local charter.” This means that unlike “national sororities” that have chapters in multiple schools across the country, each sorority at Grove City College exists only at Grove City College! The college holds the charter for every sorority, and this requires that every group continues to act in a way that is in accordance with the school’s policies and values. If a sorority ever acts in a way that does not align with the rules and values put forward by the college, Grove City has the power to “pull” the charter and suspend the group.

A benefit of being a “local” group is that our history is unique to the students and alumnae of the college, which creates a tight-knit community of sisters. Instead of a pledge class of 70+ girls where you might not ever meet everyone, you will know every girl in your class (usually 20 or under). You are able to develop relationships with every girl in the sorority and feel like part of a close community. Another benefit of local sororities is that our dues are much lower in comparison to national sororities. Part of this is due to the fact that we do not pay dues first to the “chapter” of the sorority (the section of the national sorority that is at a particular school), and then to the “national” group. On average, a girl joining a national sorority will pay $1,280 per semester, not including housing and other extra costs. At Grove City College, every group pays under $100 per semester for dues; even as low as $20 per semester! As a “poor college student,” I really appreciate the difference!


One of the reasons that our dues are less expensive is also because unlike many national sororities, Grove City College does not have sorority housing OR off-campus housing. All full-time students are required to live on campus, as per the college’s rules. What the College does offer instead is the chance to live in a fellowship community on the same residence hall. This is called “Community Living Privileges.” Every two years, each group on campus presents their case for why they should be allowed to continue to have the privilege of living on a sorority/fraternity/housing group hall. This includes sharing how they have given back to the college and the community, as well as showing how they have abided by the school’s rules and values.

As previously mentioned, Grove City College sororities do not live off-campus, but on a community hall. Living on the hall is a blast! It’s a chance to live right next to some of your closest friends so that you can share fun times, bathrooms, and memories together. Each group typically decorates their hall in the colors and designs of their sorority so that coming back to your room after a day of classes feels like coming home.

Getting ready for events on campus is one of the most fun things to do on a sorority hall; everyone is swapping dresses and doing hair and flitting in and out of each other’s rooms. Being together while doing even the most mundane of things makes anything and everything fun!

I came from high school having been on a large all-girls dance team, and so I was used to having a big group of girlfriends. Moving to college was a little hard, because you have to start over in making friends and friend groups, and so I really felt a loss for the united group of close friendships that I had had in high school. For me, joining a sorority was a perfect option, because I got to meet tons of people during the rush process and eventually got to join an amazing group that really made me feel like I was a part of something. Now, I have a group of girls who are always there to encourage me, lift me up, laugh with me, and be there for me in hard times. Even though this campus is not huge, it still feels nice to have a specific group of girls to belong to and have a special connection with.
Having sorority sisters is like having a family that loves you and will do anything to help you out. For example, freshmen are not allowed to have cars on campus. My freshman year, after I joined my sorority, I needed to drive down to Cranberry Twp. to get some bloodwork done. I was able to email the whole sorority and ask if anyone would be able to drive me down there or lend me a car, and I had a response and ride within minutes. It’s always reassuring to know that there are people you can count on at this home away from home.

Whether it’s playing music on the hall and having an impromptu dance party, ensuing in a harmless prank war, or loading up cars and heading out to a local restaurant for a fun girls’ night out, I always have fun with my sisters! Some of my favorite memories of my time at college have been ordering a pizza and hanging out in a dorm room with some of my sisters, crafting and watching a movie.

One of my favorite things about Greek life at Grove City College is how all of the sororities are a community together. Each group is unique, with all sorts of different kinds of girls in each, but there is a sense of togetherness in the Greek community. I have friends from every sorority on campus, and there is no barrier between us. Instead of creating an “us vs. them” mentality, everyone celebrates in the decision we’ve all made to join a close community on campus. In addition, I have many friends outside of the sorority who aren’t in Greek life, and so there isn’t a sense of “Greeks vs. Independents,” either. When it comes down to it, the larger community that we’re all a part of is the Grove City College student body, and for some, joining a sorority is just an enhancement of this already incredible experience.




Student author Emily Owen is a junior Psychology major with minors in Biology and Family Studies and is an active Sister of Grove City College’s Zeta Zeta Zeta Sorority.  A local of Western PA, she hails from Cranberry Township, PA and offers this advice for students walking through the college search:

“Don’t be afraid to ask about things that you’re interested in, whether that’s research, Greek Life, or different clubs.  If you know that there’s something you want to be involved in while in college, make sure that schools have what you are looking for.”


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