My Summer College Decision: Grove City College Was Always On My Mind


For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9



When I was a senior in high school, I made the mistake of believing that I ruled the world. I was like your typical 17-year old kid who thought that she knew everything. When it came time to decide on which college to attend, I was adamant about where I wanted to go. It was a small, private, conservative college comparable to Grove City College. I had mistakenly wrapped up my whole identity with my plans for college and completely ignored God’s plans. But our God is a providential God. He knew what I was going to need to grow in college before I even did. During the summer before I left for college, God was slowly softening my heart to His plan. Grove City College was always on my mind; I just had trouble admitting that I was wrong about my original decision.

Through most of my prayers that summer, I knew that God was trying to steer me in a different direction. The end of July and beginning of August rolled around and I knew that my plans were slowly falling apart. In August, I found myself walking up the steps of Crawford Hall, having to swallow my pride to ask the admissions staff at the College if they could even reactivate my account so late in the summer. I was shocked at the warm invitation I received from the students and staff working in the office. I told them my story, and they completely understood my situation. They were so excited to welcome me in to the campus community.

Two weeks later, I moved into the dorms, started classes and fell in love with God’s plan. My friends tease me that my story is a bit dramatic. But God always seems to get His way, even at the eleventh hour. There were bumps along the path. There were times where I was still resentful that I did not get my way. Looking back on freshman year though, I could not imagine a more wonderful experience. Grove City College has offered me a place to grow academically with professors who care so much about my future. I have learned just how beautiful true community with likeminded peers can be. And I am reminded every morning when I get ready for class how incredible it is that God placed me right where He wanted me, right where He knew I needed to belong.

So if you’ve had Grove City College on your mind or in your prayers but are afraid it’s too late in the game to be a student here, do not hesitate to swing by the admissions office. The admissions counselors and students in the office are always eager to chat with you about where you are at in the college decision process. Attending Grove City College has been the best decision I have made. I am so thankful to God that He did not let my pride interrupt His plan.


Student Author – Caroline Lindey


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