Shake off Your Winter Blues!

Hi friends!


Overall, it has been a fairly mild winter here in Western PA. This is really one of the first weeks that the temperature has dropped a few times into single digits. It has been nice to have some relief from the cold and snow, and I know I shouldn’t complain but….I’m sick of winter! I want to go for a run outside, I don’t want to it to be dark by 6 p.m., and I really really want to wear something other than boots.

I grew up in Western PA, so I’ve seen many a winter come and go, and believe me, I am always ready to say “good riddance” when it eventually does leave! The first snowfall is magical, but after a few weeks, the magic turns to annoyance in having to take an extra ten minutes to bundle up before I leave my house.

January and February are especially dreary with the holidays behind us and spring a few months away still. I’ve learned a few things about how to cope with the post-holiday sadness. Here are a few suggestions to help you shake off your winter blues…


  1. Host a random themed party. Last year my roommate and I hosted a “Shake off Your Winter Blues” party and the entire theme was…anything blue. We decorated our apartment in blue, made blue food, and everyone wore blue. One of our guests even brought blue lightbulbs and replaced all of our lights with the blue lights, so literally everything was blue! It was SO much fun!

  1. Have an indoor picnic. Move all of your furniture to the sides of the room, lay out a blanket and feast on summer foods!

Three young children having an indoor picnic

  1. Movie marathon. Not an original idea, but you can make it fun by inviting people. Or, you can just stay in your jammies all day and indulge alone. The most important factor for a successful movie marathon—whether it’s with your besties or alone—is good snacks.

junk food

  1. Make a list of all the places that are colder and snowier than where you are and then count your lucky stars that you’re not there.


  1. Have a fantasy Iditarod tournament. This is our second annual Fantasy Iditarod competition in our office. Last year we had a party to draft our players and then had a blast following their progress. Be careful of that Red Lantern Winner! It can totally influence the eventual winner of the tournament!

A selective focus image of a sled dog racer mushing head long a seculded section of the snow covered race track.

  1. Blow bubbles outside while it’s snowing. I have no idea what happens to bubbles in freezing temperatures, so it would be a cool experiment. Be sure to tell us how it goes! (6)*

  1. This is for the gentleman—or ladies if you enjoy video games! Invite your friends and their gaming devices over for a video game tournament.

video games

  1. Shovel your neighbor’s driveway. There’s no better way to warm yourself than through doing acts of kindness.

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  1. Make the perfect cup of hot chocolate. Here’s my recipe: a heaping cup of 2% milk, cocoa powder or shaved chocolate (don’t use the packets of hot chocolate because they already have dairy in them), flavoring (cinnamon, candy canes, vanilla extract, etc.), and finally my secret ingredient…flavored coffee creamer. Heat the milk and creamer over medium heat. After a few minutes add chocolate and whisk briskly until melted and well blended. Finally, add flavoring (it should complement the flavor of coffee creamer you used), turn heat down to low and let it simmer for a while. Drink it up!

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  1. Apply to Grove City College. The best way to spread winter cheer is saying that you’re coming here—GCC that is! Kidding (but not really).


Well now you have no excuse—neither do I really!—for winter blues. As everyone’s favorite pop icon would say, “Shake it off!” (4)*

We would love to hear how you cope with the winter blues. Share your ideas, pictures, and videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtags #WinterBlues and #GCCBridgingtheGap.

*Photo credit

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