Alumni Connections: Introducing Jason

Since 2003, Jason Burtt has served as the National Director/Senior Vice President for the Silver Ring Thing (SRT), launching and coordinating most of the major initiatives and projects of the organization.  Under Jason’s leadership, SRT has grown from a local ministry based in Pittsburgh, PA to a leading voice on the national stage in matters of purity and sexual integrity.  Jason has been the catalyst behind the set-up and implementation of more than 1,000 events worldwide reaching more than 650,000 students.  Through various speaking engagements and interviews, Jason has appeared on 60 Minutes, MTV, The BBC and other media outlets to discuss and debate the effectiveness of abstinence education and the vision of Silver Ring Thing to realize a culture shift in America where abstinence becomes the norm again rather than the exception.

Jason is a 2000 graduate of Grove City College where he majored in Industrial Management.  He is husband to Heidi, his bride of 10+ years, and father of four children, Isaac, Avery, Micah and Levi.  Jason and family currently reside just outside Pittsburgh, PA where he they are actively involved in local church mission.


Jason Bio Pics


Why did you choose to come to Grove City College?

I knew that I wanted a strong, Christian education in a smaller, more intimate setting at a great value.  I didn’t want to go to a massive university where you can get lost quickly.  Rather, I wanted an excellent education in an environment where deep friendships and life-long relationships could grow and foster.  Grove City College provided exactly that.


What do you value most about your time at GCC?

I deeply value receiving a great education with a Christian worldview.  But, the greatest value has been in the genuine friendships that were made.  I continue to meet up regularly with several friends from GCC and we have a strong bond and commitment to one another.  It has been incredible to have such good friends walking through the celebrations and struggles of life together.


If you could go back and do it all again, what would you do differently?

I would have spent more time interacting with the professors and career services counselors, picking their brains and seeking wisdom on how to best apply my talents and passions in the job market.  These people have so much to offer and are often an untapped resource of knowledge and expertise.  I probably would have spent more during the summer months involving in various internship opportunities to develop my own skill set and understanding of where I best ‘fit’.


What advice do you have for high school students as they work through the college search process?

College is a very pivotal and formative time of your life.  Part of this experience is understanding who you truly are and what you were created to do.  Never underestimate the value of education with a Biblical worldview.  As you come to understand the brokenness of this world, you begin to realize your role as salt and light to redeem the culture around you in whatever vocation.  This then transforms a ‘job’ into a real passion and calling.


Can you recall a memorable conversation or event during your time at GCC that has shaped you in some way?

I remember one of the first days of freshman year when Nancy Paxton, former Dean of Women, had all the freshman guys and girls together for an etiquette breakfast.  I thought it was going to be a boring, pointless activity.  But, the she began talking about guys being men of character, kind, chivalrous, serving others and striving for something greater than ourselves.  She challenged the girls to be modest, respectful, encouraging, caring, and embracing their true beauty and identity in Christ.  I realized this was something different and unique.  I knew that GCC was about more than just imparting an education but building strong character and the leaders of tomorrow.


In what ways are you different having attended Grove City College?

I came into Grove City College a bit unsure of who I was and my place in this world.  In my 4 years, I received an academic, spiritual and relational education that is unmatched.  I now have a strong confidence in who I am and my purpose.  I am called in various places to be a husband, father, son, friend and leader all for the Glory of God.


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