Q & A with a Grover: Rachel Waitlevertch ’18


Grove City College has roughly 2500 students on campus, each of whom has come from a different background and has a different story to tell.  The series on Bridging the Gap, “Q/A with a Grover,” is aimed at letting you hear some of the unique experiences that have shaped our students.

Rachel Waitlevertch graduated from a local public school in Butler, PA and is currently a member of the Grove City College Class of 2018 pursuing a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics.

Q: What is your favorite organization/club/extracurricular activity on campus to participate in?

A: Marching Band is by far my favorite extracurricular activity! I have made some of my best college memories by being a part of that group and met my best friends in band as well. The Wolverine Marching Band has been praised everywhere we go, whether it be for band festivals, parades, or our football halftime show here on Thorn Field. The marching band takes a few trips, some to schools in the area and some to places a few hours away. The quality of our group is beyond most college marching bands from schools of our size and we take great pride in that. Above all, though, the marching band is proud to spread Christ’s love in the form of music and to represent Grove City College by bringing joy to our audiences. Editor’s Note: This coming year, the GCC Marching Band is planning a trip and performance at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Q: What made Grove City College your top choice?

A: Initially thinking the college was “too small”, it wasn’t until the summer before my senior year in high school that I took an organized campus tour and started seriously considering Grove City College as an option in my list of schools. The tour guide was so passionate about the school and spoke constantly about how important the Christian environment is in everyday life at GCC. I liked her friendly nature, and I could tell her happiness and passion was genuine in a way that was different than most college tour guides I had interacted with. The feeling of belonging while on campus solidified my decision and I kept researching Grove City College to add more things to the “positive” column about the school. I grew more confident in my decision as the deadline approached. God was surely leading me to put Grove City College as my top choice!

Q: Is Grove City College everything you expected it to be?

A: Grove City College is MORE than I expected it to be!  The relationships with friends, classmates, and professors have all helped me to grow in my faith and learn more about myself and my spiritual gifts. I sometimes take for granted the constant support and Godly attitude that is evident in the smiling faces of the members of this college campus. I have made some of my best friends during my time here and have been challenged academically beyond what I thought I could handle before. I have grown to LOVE learning and appreciate God’s wonderful creation while being a student here. I have especially come to appreciate God’s creation of humans and realized that every person I come in contact with has something to offer and something to teach me.

Q: Did you apply Early Decision or Regular Decision?  Why?

A: I applied Early Decision because Grove City College was the only college where I truly wanted to be. I could not picture myself being at any other school and having as great of an experience as Grove City could offer. I also felt that Grove City was the school that God wanted me to attend and knew that He would get me here if that was the case. Applying early and having an acceptance letter before Christmas helped to ease my mind and allowed me to go into my last semester of high school knowing exactly what school I was going to attend the next year. It was probably one of the best Christmas presents I have ever received!

Q: What do you enjoy doing in the surrounding area?

A: I like the fact that town is very close and accessible. The town of Grove City is a 5-10 minute walk away. I often walk to Rite Aid or other locally owned shops in town with a friend, giving us time to catch up and spend some time together. I also enjoy seeing movies at the Guthrie Theatre. The walk is also a good time to admire Wolf Creek or the other beautiful parts of nature that surround campus. I have a couple friends that have cars on campus, so I have gone on a couple trips to the Grove City Outlet Mall to do some shopping, which is always fun!

Q: Has your faith been influenced by your time at Grove City College?

A: Yes! My faith has absolutely grown while being a student here. Through a hall Bible study, interacting with a few other Freshman girls on my hall, I came to find spiritual gifts that I had and didn’t even realize were there. It was great and encouraging to talk about serious topics with a small group of girls in my same situation, something I had not often done before coming to college. Worship, especially during Warriors on Thursday nights, has helped me to see how other people worship differently from the traditional church service I attend every weekend. It made me realize, though, that students at this school may all be different in terms of background, major, skills, and beliefs, but we are all united in the Body of Christ in our common faith. I also have been able to appreciate God and His nature more while attending GCC, trying to see beauty in all things of life. The academics and my relationships have helped me to better recognize God working in my life in even the simplest of ways.

Q: Where is your favorite place to do homework?

A: I like doing homework in Ket Rec a lot of the time. It is usually quiet enough that I can focus but not uncomfortably quiet that I am afraid to make any noise. There is a kitchen in the lobby and you normally see people playing ping pong or pool, so it is nice to see some of the interactions between people while I am working. Editor’s Note: Ket Rec is the shortened name for Ketler Recreation which is a co-ed lobby/common area connected to Isaac C. Ketler Hall, an upperclassmen male residence hall.

Q: If you could give a high school junior or senior one piece of advice about searching for and applying to colleges, what would it be?

A: Take a visit to your top college choices and stay overnight in a freshman dorm if possible. Meeting current students and getting a sense for the general attitude of the student body is helpful to figuring out if you are a good fit at that school. You can see what “nightlife” is like at your college options and hear insight that goes beyond a 1-2 hour campus tour. You can also learn where buildings are on the campus and have a leg up on other incoming freshman students if you end up attending one of the schools where you had stayed overnight. My overnight here at GCC was one of the most fun nights of my life and really solidified my decision to become a student here.

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