Grove City College Life: What is a Housing Group Anyway?

Below is a post from November 2015 that we as an office believe brings a lot of insight in to the atmosphere and purpose of the housing group system here at Grove City College: 


My name is Chris Nan, I am a senior Business Management major at Grove City College. I am involved with multiple things on campus including Outing Club, Glee Club, Management Society, and Orientation Board. I have worked several jobs on campus including Lifeguard, Lab Assistant, and now a Student Ambassador for the Admissions Office. As a tour guide I have received a plethora of interesting questions such as “Why is your campus near so much corn?” or “What do you do for fun around here, just have Bible Studies 24/7?”. All jokes aside, I also get a lot of questions about what Greek life is like on campus. This is one of the most awkward questions to have from parents because almost immediately after they find out there is Greek life on campus they believe that Grove City College is not as much as a “party-free” campus as they thought. I am here to save the day and clear the air on this though!

On campus there are two main types of groups that guys can join: housing groups and fraternities. I am part of a housing group, so I will mostly elaborate on these, however the premise is pretty much the same here on campus. As a housing group, you will live on the hall with a group of guys that have similar interests as you and also have been voted into the group. Now before you begin to worry I should clarify that all housing groups and fraternities have to live on campus and are on a hall with a Resident Assistant in charge. The basis of these groups is really to promote a Christ-like community that also puts you on the same hall with the same guys every year.

As a housing group you will have many exciting opportunities such as hosting dances, sports events, and coffee shops. Many housing groups on campus are very active in service to both the surrounding community and the college campus. For example, my group raises money for a Compassion International child and cross guards for the local schools for Trick-or-Treat. The groups promote both community and service and allow you to forge some of the greatest friendships that will last a lifetime.

One of the greatest examples of this would be when my group put on the “Alpha Sigma Unplugged”. This is a coffee house in which the campus is invited to come and listen to auditioned musicians and purchase homemade Shamrock Shakes. All the proceeds made from this event were donated to KIVA, which donates money to underprivileged communities to encourage small businesses and fuel their growth.

Overall, this opportunity to be a part of a housing group has been the foundation for my friendships on campus and has created some bonds that will last long past graduation. If you are on campus I would heartily encourage you to check out these groups!

Student Author Chris Nan is a 2016 alum of Grove City College who pursued a degree in Business Management with a minor in Music and was a member of the Alpha Sigma Housing Group on campus. Chris’ hometown is Moon Township, PA and when asked what his favorite thing about Grove City College is, he said:

“The music program. [It] has so many opportunities for those who aren’t completely dedicated to music. For example, I take piano lessons, am in Glee Club, and also in Tour Choir. I am so glad that they added a music minor, it allows me to pursue something that I love to do, but does not have to be the core of my studies.”

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