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Transfers to the Grove: Jen Kerr

Jen Kerr ’16 is a Psychology major and is minoring in Social Work, and she transferred to Grove City in the fall of 2013. 

Jen 2

  1. What college did you transfer from and why?

I transferred from the Community College of Allegheny County.  I wasn’t sure exactly where I wanted to go after graduation and the community college was a temporary situation.

  1. How did you find Grove City?

I live outside of Pittsburgh and have known about Grove City for years.  A lot of people from my church are associated with Grove City as well.

  1. What made you eventually decide to transfer to Grove City?

I initially did not want to come to Grove City.  I felt that it was too close to home and I knew a lot of people here and I wanted a different experience.  I finally gave in and went on a tour around campus and fell in love with it.  Throughout my freshman year at CCAC I would come up and stay with friends to get a true feel of the school.

Jen     4.   What made you stay?

Everything.  The academics were challenging enough for my attention, the Christian environment was refreshing, the professors are personable and of course my amazing, wonderful friends.

     5.    What ways did Grove City offer to help you get assimilated when you first came?

My connection group leaders through OB.  They were the most helpful, useful and insightful people who gave us the true low down on Grove City and didn’t treat us like freshman, but also understood that we were still new to the school and didn’t know much about the school.  OB was the most helpful but that was about it.

  1. How will this experience influence your future after you graduate?

Grove City has prepared me for graduation.  This school has instilled a strong work ethic and a strong Christian worldview.  It helped me find my passion for social work and grew my passion for serving others.

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