Student employment is easily one of the best opportunities that students have on campus. Supervisors are friendly and flexible – they know that you are a full-time student with many responsibilities. There are many fun positions on campus that will allow you to gain work experience as well as amazing life lessons.
Here are some of the many campus employment opportunities for students:
- Teaching Assistant: Professors will often offer this to students they know well and who have proven their responsibility. This involves activities such as grading papers and assessments, but can also include taking attendance and proofreading works as well.
- Dining Hall Staff: The three main dining halls on campus are called Hicks, MAP (Mary Anderson Pew) Cafe, and the GeDunk. Responsibilities include cleaning, dish washing, and taking care of equipment. Customer service experience is very important to post-collegiate employers.
- Lobby Attendants: This entails monitoring a single selected lobby on campus. Buildings where this is often required are Memorial, Ketler, Harker, MAP, MEP (Mary Ethel Pew) and Colonial dormitories. These attendants monitor those entering and exiting the building.
- Admissions Secretary: This involves responding to questions on the Grove City website while simultaneously scheduling student interviews and even tours as well. This is a good way to gain some mild administrative experience.
- Admissions Tour Guide: Visitors often come to campus to see what Grove City is really like. This involves giving tours to prospective students while teaching the history and purpose of the College. You get to meet many nice people through this opportunity while being the face of the College for hundreds of families.
- Alumni Staff: Working for the Carnegie Alumni Center can take many forms. This can involve preparing for big events, and it can also involve preparing small gifts and favors for visitors. Another opportunity within this category is being a Crimson Caller – these are individuals who call alumni requesting support for their alma mater.
- Bookstore Cashier: This involves working at the college bookstore and serving customers that come to shop for clothing, books, and supplies. The bookstore is an exciting place to work and there are many enjoyable tasks to perform here.
- Career Services Assistant: The Career Services Office takes their mission seriously. They have a reputation for being one of the best in college services for placement. This opportunity allows you to help schedule appointments, assist with resume workshops, and help in advertising big events throughout the year. This is a great job for meeting many business professionals, you will inevitably gain some networking in the process.
- Chapel Staff: As a Christian campus, Grove City College prioritizes the chapel program. You can play an important role in this by scanning students’ IDs, leading in prayer, and making announcements at the beginning of chapel. I know many students who do not regret taking this amazing opportunity.
- Library Assistant: This involves maintaining organization of the campus library. Assistants help students with questions and offer guidance as to where they can find good resources for their coursework.
- Mail Room Assistant: With this opportunity you can help organize the campus mail that arrives for students. Grove City’s mail room is a bustling place and there is always something interesting to do. Much responsibility comes with operating the mail that comes for students.
- Sport Event Security: Many students enjoy attending sporting events. Did you know there is a way for you to get paid for watching other students play? This position involves monitoring the crowds and ensuring that everyone is safe and that there are no threats to athletes and spectators.
- Lifeguard: As a lifeguard you watch over the pool during its open hours of access. You are responsible for the safety of those who come to enjoy this fun facility.
- Tutoring: This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge with students who are struggling in a particular subject area. If you pass a class with a grade which meets certain standards of subject-matter expertise, then you are an ideal tutor. Helping others is a great way to expand your own knowledge. I have found that you truly master a subject when you teach it to others.
The people that I have had the pleasure of serving with at the Student Union GeDunk have been a tremendous blessing to me. They are more than coworkers, they are true friends to me. I have so much respect for these incredible people. I would encourage all students to take a look at open opportunities and fulfill a need on campus.