Because Grove City College is an academically rigorous institution, studying is a must. In order to effectively hit the books, it is necessary to find the right study spot. As a senior, I have been able to find a few places that have worked well over the past four years.
The Library
Henry Buhl Library (Picture from Pinterest)
One obvious place to work on homework is the library. Henry Buhl Library, located by the Technical Learning Center (TLC) and the guys’ dorms, is a great place to get in the zone and crank out some work. The stacks, the individual desks lined along the walls next to shelves of books, are especially great for shutting out distractions, allowing you to study for that test or write that paper. The large tables in the main room and the reference room outside of the stacks are also study friendly, but expect a few more distractions there than in the stacks.
2. The Hall of Arts and Letters
The Hall of Arts and Letters (HAL), the main academic building, is also a great place to study. This is one of my favorite spots to sit and delve into some work. There are large tables on the first floor that work well, and there are also smaller individual tables and lounge chairs on the second floor. In the evening, you can also sign out a classroom with others for a more secluded study space. This can be great for working on group projects, or just enjoying the company of friends.
3. The Student Union
The Student Union, the hub of campus life, is another place that can work well for studying. This is less of an academic space and more of a relaxed, social environment. Lots of chatter goes on, so if you have assignments that do not require a lot of focus, the Student Union is the perfect place to go. If you get hungry, head right on over to the Gedunk, the food area within the Student Union, and take a study break.
4. Beans on Broad

If you’re looking to go off campus, the local coffee shop, Beans on Broad, is within walking distance and can be a nice environment to get homework done. Located right on Broad Street, this coffee joint offers a social yet relaxing environment with delicious brews, which always helps in the pursuit of homework. I enjoy finding a table, putting in some headphones and sipping my coffee.
There are many other places on campus and around campus that are conducive to studying. It really all depends on your study environment preference, but no matter the type of space you require, Grove City has plenty of spots to offer to help you feel comfortable while getting those assignments completed.
Check out this virtual tour of Grove City College and get a closer look at these great study spots!