Alyssa’s love of travel and her desire to explore outside the country mixed with her major requirement to study abroad pushed her to make the experience happen. As an International Business major with a focus in Accounting and Spanish, she knew Spain was the perfect place to go.
The dates of her study abroad excursion spanned from January 25th to May 2nd with an extra week of traveling to various places extending her trip to May 9th. She stayed with a host family in a city in southwest Spain called Seville, and lived with her host mom, two host sisters and an American roommate. She took classes at a local university, Universidad Internacional Mendez-Pelayo, within a 20 minute walk of her apartment with other students from her program, International Studies Abroad (ISA).
Looking back, Alyssa notes that some of the best parts of the experience were making friends from around the U.S. that were similarly studying abroad, getting to know the locals, experiencing new cultures and being able to easily travel to different places.
Of all the places she traveled, London, England and Dublin, Ireland, proved to be her favorites. She traveled to these cities by herself during her seven-day spring break. She was able to walk a giant loop around the city of London, ride the London Eye and watch “The Changing of The Guards” at Buckingham Palace and to tour the Wicklow Mountains and see the bridge from the movie P.S. I Love You while in Dublin. The trip was a little scary for her since she traveled alone, but it was nonetheless exciting and unforgettable.
She sums up her time abroad by saying, “It was an incredible experience. I learned so much about myself and grew as an independent individual. It also gave me a glance into other cultures and a chance to see how other people live.” She describes the city of Seville as historic, welcoming and homey, and she could not have imagined a better place to live during her study abroad experience or a more fulfilling time exploring the world.
To learn more about study abroad opportunities at Grove City College, visit this link.