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Internship Spotlight: Lindsay Neumann

Lindsay Neumann, ’18 is a Biblical and Religious Studies Major with a double minor in Christian Ministries and Business. She interned during the summer of 2015 at Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

1. Where did you intern and what was your position title?

I interned at Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a College Financial Representative. My job included selling life insurance and helping people plan for their financial futures. I found most of my clients by just going through phone books, making cold calls, and some of them were made through my personal network.

2. How did you secure your internship?

I heard about the internship through a family connection, who gave me the number of the person in charge of the program. I continued through the interview process over breaks and got the job!

3. What are some of the top lessons you learned while interning?

The biggest skill I gained was improving my overall professionalism. I learned to handle myself in meetings and how to conduct myself around adults. I also learned the intricacies of the insurance industry and how financial planning ties many aspects of someone’s life together.

4. How did your Grove City College education help you? 

Grove City’s culture pushes you to be independent and treats you as an adult. This gave me the confidence to function in a mature workplace and engage with others much older than myself. In addition, the Humanities Core helped me to relate to others on a personal level and opened my awareness of how my worldview impacts my interactions with others. While these are skills can apply beyond the professional world, it really became evident to me how counter-cultural these ideas were when I entered the workplace.

5. What was your favorite part of your internship?

I loved forming connections with people, learning about their lives, and then helping them develop their financial plans out of a place of care for them.

6. How will your internship experience serve you in your career search?

My internship gave me the confidence to be able to navigate the interviewing process and become a capable candidate for an employment position in finance. It also helped me get a feel of professional business and an idea of what I want to pursue.

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