As a prospective student, I remember wondering to myself, “I wonder if I will be bored on campus?” After all, Grove City college is a small school in Pennsylvania.
Well, let me assure you that, though GCC is small in size, it is concentrated with exciting events and activities for many different students. Here is a list of 25 excellent events that were (or will be) run on campus this school year alone:
- 23rd Annual Winterfeast – A medieval five-course dinner with entertainment.
- 2017 Create Conference – Speakers from places like Scarlet and Gold came on campus for a series of lectures and networking events.
- AEX Live – Incredible live music performances, soft pretzels, and root beer floats.
- The Amazing Race – Solve puzzles and complete the race first to win a 32 inch TV.
- Anything Goes Performance – A crazy crew of nightclub singers and hopeless romantics in Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes.”
- All-Campus Cookout – Great food, music, and games on the Ketler patio with the Pan Sophic Fraternity.
- AO Glow – A black-light neon paint party!
- Bridgefest 2016 – A concert featuring live original music from the best Grove City College musicians.
- Chicken Patty Day – Buy a chicken patty. Proceeds benefit Christian Best Camps of Kenya.
- Dancing with the Profs – Vote on which professor and choreographer duo dance the best!
- The Extravaganza – One of the coolest, craziest dances on campus with cheesecake and shrimp.
- Faculty Follies – “The best opportunity to laugh at your professors!”
- Fall Fest – Picnic food, student music, bounce houses, food trucks, cover band, carnival games, petting zoo, volleyball tournament, and more!
- Film Festival – A campus-wide film competition with cash prizes.
- The Gala – The biggest dance on campus! Happens every other year.
- The Jazz Band Dance – An elegant evening of live music and dancing.
- Jon Foreman Concert – Switchfoot. Enough said.
- Ladies Christmas Brunch – Homemade pancakes, fruit, gift baskets, and an informative pro-life talk.
- Missions Week 2017 – Exploring the question “why missions?” A number of missionaries featured in lectures around campus.
- The Professor Preach-Off – A panel of three professors preach-off outside! Chapel credit offered.
- Shark Tank – Students submit and pitch ideas to improve the campus and compete for $1,000.
- Stories of Heart and Home – A cultural festival.
- Syrian Refugee Crisis Update – A family who fled persecution and found a new home in PA share their story.
- Tater Tot Day – Tater tots and all the toppings for just $2 to support the Ugandan Vocational Schools.
- Whose Line Is It Anyway – An improv performance in the style of the show Whose Line Is It Anyway.
These, alongside many others, are just a few examples of the events that happen on Grove City College campus.