I look forward to my dinners at Hicks every day here at Grove City College. Regardless of how crazy my schedule is, how overwhelming the week has been, or how cold the short walk to the dining hall might feel to me, I am always comforted by the warm, friendly faces I meet when I go. It is a fun, lively, and calming experience with great real-talk and hilarious moments. Plus, with all the negatives you might hear about “classic college cafeteria food,” I always find something I enjoy eating at Hicks Cafeteria. And that is saying something, because I am often a picky eater. (If you ever get a chance to visit, or if you end up attending, make sure you try the chocolate milkshakes Hicks makes. They are incredible.)
With all that being said, in this vlog, I wanted to bring some of that Grove City College dining hall fun to you.
I picked a random day like any other to take out my camera, thought of some questions to ask students at dinner, and started filming. The result had me smiling ear-to-ear. This is a vlog I am going to look back on and treasure when graduate. I love the sincerity of answers, and I love the humor people brought to the table. But overall, I love most that this vlog represented a classic dinner at Hicks. By watching it, I hope you get a sense of how lovely the people here are, how much we care for Grove City College, and how strong the community that exists here is.