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Your First Week at GCC

Coming to college can be a very intimidating prospect. You are moving to a new place with new people. But, despite how scary it might seem, it is a truly amazing experience. In this post I will give you the rundown on what your first weeks on campus will look like, so that your transition to college life can be as smooth as possible. 

The first week on campus is most often called OB Week. OB refers to Orientation Board. OB is a team of upperclassmen that volunteer to help orient all the incoming freshmen. They organize events, put on shows, and guide students through everything they need to know about campus life. One of their other primary duties is to lead connection groups. Connection groups consist of 10 to 20 students with three OB leaders. Usually these OB leaders will create a group chat for your group. This connection group provides great opportunities to make friends. I met some of my closest friends on campus through my connection group.

Early on in OB week, you will have a meeting with the faculty that make up the department of your chosen major. This meeting is a great opportunity to meet some of your professors ahead of time and start getting to know them. This meeting is usually where you meet your academic advisor. It can also be a great way to ease any concerns you might have going into these classes. For me personally, I was terrified of writing coming into college. I had a writing for the media class with Dr. Miller that semester and was very worried I would not do well. I used this meeting as an opportunity to ask her questions about the class and she was very happy to help. It ended up being my favorite class. This exchange is a great example of one of the things that make the Grove special: the professors. I have yet to encounter a professor who is not willing to sit down and help students understand the material outside of class. Do not worry about how good your grades are the first few weeks. The transition to college from high school is difficult, and professors understand this. They genuinely care about their students and if you are struggling, they are always willing to help.

Your first week of classes will be your easiest. Most professors use the first class session to go over the syllabus and familiarize students with the class structure. Some professors do assign some homework for this session, but it is most often very light and aimed at letting you know what to expect moving forward. Another thing to keep in mind this first week is that “drop-add” is still in play. You can drop classes and add others with no penalty to your GPA. This first week is a great time to sit in on classes that might interest you and decide whether you want to add them or swap them out for one of your other classes. If you have questions or concerns about your classes, talk to your academic advisor. They are a great resource in figuring out what you want to do and what classes to take to fill your needs.

I hope this has given you some idea of what to expect coming into Grove City College. This school presents a truly amazing and unique experience to all its students. I hope you will enjoy your time here as much as I have. 

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