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Outside Fun with Friends During Covid

Spring has Sprung…

…and with it, warmer weather, birds returning from their long winter sabbaticals, flowers poking through the ground, and students looking for ways to engage with their friends in safe, fun, and most importantly free ways!

At this stage, COVID is still around so the Grove City College campus body wants to not only be safe and respectful to others but also wants to look for ways to enjoy the warmer weather. After a long winter slogging through snow, I’m here to tell you a bit about some of the things to do on and off campus that are safe and free!

I’ve grouped everything into three different categories: Play, Leisure, and Adventure.


Whether you are athletically inclined or you want to feel the burn these activities are for you.

  • Go for a walk – Grab a friend and explore around Grove City. The streets are safe, and it is easy to feel a burn walking up and down those hills – OK, I’m from a plains state. We have no hills and the tiny ones here kill me!
  • Stretch those legs  You can do this in a formal sense (like yoga) or you can just grab some friends, make a big circle and gently stretch those muscles. YouTubing stretches should give you enough to last you for awhile.
  • Hiking – Like walking… but harder. If you have a car and want to make a long trip out of it there are some beautiful trails around the Pennsylvania area that are highly worth checking out. Personally, I find that Cooks Forest and McConnells Mill State Park are great places to hike.
  • Games on the quad – These are already popular. Volleyball nets are set up on the back side of Lincoln Hall. Spike Ball and Frisbees are easy to come by. If you do not have friends with either, emailing your RA will be helpful since they can point you in the right direction. 
  • Walk to the store – It’s only four miles round trip. I’ve done it before and there’s something so rewarding about hauling your groceries on your back. However, there is no sidewalk along part of the road so be careful and wear bright colors! It’s an excellent way to get some exercise and talk with a friend.
  • Bike ride – If you would like to go faster and farther than a walk can get you, bring your bike! There are places to store your bike on campus and the country roads are just minutes away and provide hours of cycling.
  • Run – Torture. But a leisurely jog with a friend can keep you accountable and get some exercise in.
  • Water balloon fight/nerf gun fight (clean up needed) – Organizing a campus-wide water balloon fight sounds amazing! But be aware that there is a cost involved since you’d have to buy balloons and remember to clean up all the pieces!
  • Yoga – A more organized approach to the whole stretching idea.
  • Volunteer – Do some research. There are many organizations worth your time.



If you don’t want to torture yourself, consider some of these activities.

  • Stargazing – Who doesn’t love lying on their back and looking up at the sky to be reminded of how small we are?
  • Fire pit – You can reserve the fire pit for your smoky night ghost stories.
  • Hammocking – Many good trees.
  • Picnic – The most romantic date ever, or an excellent way to catch up with a platonic friend.
  • Card games or board games outside – If you are into card games, why not try them outside! Just be aware of any wind!
  • Tan – Catch some zzzz’s and some sun. Sunshine is important for your vitamin D.
  • Study on Quad – Not as fun, but still nice.
  • Talk – Don’t let that phone dictate your friendships!
  • Get to know that roommate – Need some icebreakers? Look online! Getting a different roommate for next year? Now’s the time to get to know them!
  • Bake in either Ketler Rec or Mary Anderson Pew South Rec (reserve lounge) – Missing those homemade brownies? Well, you can bake them here!
  • Draw – Not only for if you are artsy. You can also try something you have never done before. Especially with a friend.
  • Read – Read alone, read in a group, read out loud. So many options. 
  • Make some cards or do some origami – Need a craft and some sun.
  • Embroider/crochet/knit – Like the little old woman you are (all levels welcome).
  • Take a nap:)
  • Puzzles – 50 cent puzzles can be found many places like Salvation Army.
  • Bubbles – Embrace that inner 4 year old.
  • Journal/write letter to future you/grandchildren/ etc. – Super fun.



  • Beach – There are some beautiful lakes nearby that have excellent beaches. Or if you are looking to make a weekend out of it, go on up to Erie, PA.
  • Car ride – If you have a car and do not mind using gas, turn on some tunes, grab some friends and get lost on the road!
  • Feel the breeze – Feel that wind on your face and breathe in the smells. Do not worry. You’ve got this.
  • Library – Check out the public library or the school’s library for some amazing books!
  • Go to the park – Everything you can do on the Quad, you can do at the park (except maybe computer work) It’s even within walking distance!
  • Listen to a podcast together (GCC INSIDER has some good ones on Spotify! *hint hint nudge nudge*).
  • Create a will or last 24hr playlist – If you are morbid or just want to shoot the breeze, draw up a will. Divide up things even if they have no monetary value. Who says you need monetary value?
  • Photo Shoot – Pick some friends and work on posing and props.
  • Time capsule – Bury some trinkets (not on campus) and come back for your 50 year reunion and dig it up.
  • Geocaching – Before all you young folk started Pokémon Go, there was geocaching. Geocaching is done by looking for little capsules people have buried/hidden in different places. I’ve found capsules in books, trees, and even inside office buildings. A simple Google search will get you on your way.
  • Blanket fort (outside?) – Why not? Might be hard but creativity is all that’s required.

So in conclusion…

Get out there and have some fun!


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