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Events Happening Around Campus This Spring

Spring Is for…

Grove City College Campus is blooming, and with it, students are out and about looking for things to do. Not to worry, our campus has put together a beautiful array of events that fulfill the need for community while also being safe. All of our sports have been raring at the bit and every single field is being used.

Sporting Events

Since all of our Fall/Winter sports had to be put on hold because of COVID, all of the sports teams are competing in the spring. You want to watch a baseball game and a football game in the same week? Well, because of COVID, now you can!

It has been fun to watch our student body go all out to support our teams. Catch students attending baseball, softball, football, tennis, swimming, track, soccer, volleyball games. If you would like to play a sport (but not on a college-level, competitive team) feel free to check out the numerous IM teams we have. We even have a badminton and Quidditch team!

Chapels/ Vespers/ Warriors

Chapel, Vespers, and Warriors are all going strong! Chapel provides your weekly dose of fellowship in the Word while Vespers and Warriors are slightly smaller gatherings for those who seek more instruction. Vespers takes place every Sunday evening. Warriors is Thursday nights and Chapel runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I personally have attended Vespers over the past couple of years and found that it is a truly refreshing way to end the Sabbath day and focus your week.

Warriors is a set time to come pray for your fellow believers. Thursday is two-thirds through the week. Often you feel tired and worn down at this point. Warriors gives students a place to come and seek restoration.

Marriage Seminars

A small gathering of people started a group chat for those interested in attending seminars. Caroline Dudt, a student here, created the chat and has been organizing events for the students. She has gotten many different couples to come speak on Monday nights to those interested. And the interest has spread. The chat is at 127 members currently and still growing!


Our college just put on three plays that they normally would not have considered doing since the cast is so small (three parts for each); however the theatre department was able to perform these plays because of COVID. Although COVID has restricted many things, Grove City College Campus refuses to be beaten down. Instead they have found ways to adapt and overcome. These three plays are an excellent example of this happening. Because students are required to social distance and maintain mask wearing, it is hard to put on a theatrical production since many people would be interacting in a closed space. COVID allowed the theatre department to explore plays that they normally would never have considered since the casting list was so small. 

College Sanctioned Events

Keep Calm and Finish Strong!

Virtual Event: Tips to Help Students Study for Finals. Happening 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 14.

Making the Most of Your Internship virtual event happening Thursday, April 15 at 4p.m.


…Being Busy Beavers

Although COVID put many many events on hold over the past year, Grove City College has not been beaten by it. In fact, it has emerged stronger than ever! We, as a campus, have been able to do things we never would have considered doing simply because there are restrictions and regulations that we are now following.

Those plays wrecked their audiences. 

Those sporting events have increased a sense of camaraderie.

This marriage seminar group chat has allowed people to attend a helpful and engaging seminar led by many wise people!

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