Being a Resident Assistant at Grove City College has been one of my favorite opportunities during my college experience. Many of the responsibilities include being an available resource to your hall, making intentional effort to get to know residents, putting on programs, enforcing the rules, and attending meetings with respective building staff and Resident Directors.
There are several different places where you can serve as an RA on Grove City’s campus: a freshmen hall, an upperclassmen hall, or a Greek hall. Although at different times these are drastically different places. During training, we are taught to simply love our residents and invest time into them in order to help them have the best experience here at Grove City.
My freshmen RAs at Grove City have impacted my experience so much; I do not know what I would have done without them! I love being an RA because of the excuse it gives me to talk to people and create meaningful connections with them. There are many reasons to choose to be an RA, here are a few other reasons from current RAs here at Grove City:
“I wanted to apply to be an RA before the end of my very first semester because my freshman RA inspired me to become one. He was very caring and a great individual who shaped me as an individual and my whole college experience. I wanted to be that person for someone else. Two years later, I am an RA – but not a freshmen RA. I am an RA for mostly seniors, and I cannot be him… but I can be myself. I enjoy being an RA because it allows me to put at use my extroverted and friendly sides while serving my residents and the community at Grove City College. My freshman RA inspired me to be friendly and outgoing, and most importantly to serve.”
-Luis Ramirez, upperclassmen RA
“I became an RA because I understand the importance of the RA’s role on a freshmen hall and I believed that with the help of guidance and a great staff, I would be able to have a great influence on a freshmen hall.”
-Steve Maker, freshmen RA
“I love being an RA because it gives me the opportunity to meet so many interesting people that are not a part of my major. It also allows me to connect people with similar hobbies and interests. “
-Alex Moldovan, upperclassmen RA
“I love being an RA because I get to know people who might have not crossed my path if it was not for this position. I enjoy serving and loving these friends. It is also a great position for growth!”
-Amy O’Brien, upperclassmen RA
“I have always appreciated my older friends and mentors, and I thought that I could keep their examples and impact on myself, or I could share it with others. I thought that being a freshmen RA was a great opportunity to reach into the lives of younger guys.”
-Schuyler Kitchin, freshmen RA
“The Resident Assistant role has benefited me in many ways. In particular, being an RA has given me the opportunity to talk with truly wonderful people who I probably would not have gone out of my way to meet or interact with otherwise.”
-Mark Capper, upperclassmen RA
“Being an RA has allowed me to step into a role where I have met and learned about some really amazing people. I have had so much fun laughing and living alongside people I would not have met otherwise!”
-Hannah Finley, upperclassmen RA
“I love being an RA because I get to learn how to support people and show them Christ’s love. It has taught me patience as well as perspective and I have found myself leaning on God for strength, which has helped me to grow personally.”
-Becki Krupp, upperclassmen RA
The Grove City community is full of wonderful, caring people and many of these individuals are using their gifts to serve the campus as an RA. While not always an easy job, it is most always a rewarding one. Even though we never truly know how many people we have touched through our time on the halls, we will always keep striving to invest in our residents.