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Swimming and Diving: An Inside Scoop

The swimming and diving program at Grove City College is centered on competing for each other and for God’s glory. We all work hard together to build each other’s strength, skill and faith to pursue our best selves both in the pool and in the classroom.

Here at Grove City, we are a Division III team. What that means for the program is that the athletes cannot be paid to train, and the program has restrictions on how much it can train the athletes, but what it means for us as swimmers and divers is that our motivation goes beyond money or status. When we chose to come to Grove City for swimming, we came looking for a community of people striving for two goals: success in the classroom and success in the pool. The entire team then strives to build each other up to achieve these goals.

We achieve success in the classroom by putting studies first. When freshmen first come to Grove City, we require them to attend study tables twice a week for their first semester. This helps them build solid study habits for the rest of their time here. However, it is not just the freshmen that go to these work nights. The entire team makes an effort to come and study alongside each other. The juniors and seniors often are scholastic support systems to underclassmen that are going through the same courses they once went through. In addition to study tables, classes and exams always come first before practices and swim & dive meets. Whether it is an interview for a job, a big exam, or an extra lecture, practice will always be second.

Our success in the pool stems from our dedication to push each other in every training aspect we pursue. At lifting, dryland workouts, and swim or dive practices, each member of the team is pushing themselves to make every set count. When each individual is dedicated to pushing themselves, they can push their teammates that are working right alongside them. Since both the men’s and women’s team trains together, the entire team works together and builds an amazing community. We get meals together, study together, go on fun outings together, join other groups together, and even room with each other. All of the bonding we do through our sports in the pool helps create a community of people who care for each other and pursue greatness together.

Our motivation outside of our individual and team success is the desire to put our best out for the glory of God. Alongside our training together and studying together, both the men’s and women’s teams host Bible studies. These studies are lead by juniors on the teams and help to encourage each other throughout the season. Whether the team has a tough practice, a big meet, or a big paper due, we all remind each other that God will carry us through.

While we are very dedicated to our time in training and studying, we do not forget to have a little bit of fun on the side! The team does all kinds of traditional fun things outside of work. We go on annual outings to corn mazes, bowling, and Chipotle. On the weekends after meets or practice we will have game nights, movie nights, or just time to hang out and laugh together.

The Grove City Swim and Dive Team are a support and a family that come together to do a sport we love, study as hard as we can, and love God with all our hearts.

Check out our feature video below!

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Men’s Swimming: Brett Gwynn

Brett Gwynn

Accounting Major

Class of 2018

Butterfly and Sprint Free

What has been your favorite swim team memory?

The Moraine Park picnic, where we all go and introduce ourselves to the freshmen and we have a good time in the water.  We do a watermelon game where we cover a watermelon in gelatin, we gather up in teams and see who can get the watermelon to their goalie. It’s a good team bonding exercise where we see who can get the watermelon to their person with a new group of swimmers and divers.

What is unique about Grove City’s swim team?

It’s a very close team, we are close knit like a family. If anyone has any issues or problems with homework or a personal life issue, we always have someone who is there to respond and help them with the issue. We also do meals together and study in STEM (the Science Technology Engineering Math building) together. We have weekly bible studies.

What should a perspective swimmer know?

One thing that I believe is that it’s not the times on the board you’re going to remember after we graduate, it’s going to be the times that we had as teammates with your friends. So, spending times with them is a lot of fun; they are a great family and a great team. It is times where we have movie nights or Moraine picnic are the the times you will remember, you may have a good race sometime and you’ll remember them, but the times spent with the team are the ones that will bring a smile to your face.

How was the program different from what you thought it would be coming in as a prospective athlete?

So, in my high school, we focused more on just getting yardage in on a fast interval. Our coach works on technique, it’s not quite about garbage yardage and time, it is about how well you can swim the stroke and how efficient.

What has your swimming experience been like over the past four years and how did swimming affect your collegiate experience?

I like to think that swimming has helped me to schedule my time a lot better, it takes up a chunk of time so you have to do you have to do your homework in the time slots it lets you have. It has definitely helped me to organize my time schedule better and I problem have better grades when I’m swimming than when I’m not, because its helping me to prioritize things like homework and studying.