10 Ways to Love Your Neighbor at Grove City College

ser·vice  \ ˈsər-vəs

There are many ways to “give back,” but what does service learning look like after high school? Grove City College’s chapel program is centered around the two greatest commandments given by God: 1) Love God and 2) Love your neighbor, fueling our students’ desire to bring salt and light to the communities around them. As you look to grow in service, read our blog post about the culture of service among our students, and check out our list below of practical ways to live out a life of love for your neighbor.

  1. Pray for the persecuted church with our Student Mission Fellowship.
  2. Invest in the lives of at-risk youth through a local restorative juvenile detention center by building relationships and sharing the Gospel.
  3. Spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter or Summer break on an Inner City Outreach or Red Box Mission Trip. Read a Crash Course in ICO trips and a Grove City student’s experience in Costa Rica, or Andy’s testimonial about his summer in India.
  4. Visit the elderly through Adopt-a-Grandparent to spread some Christmas cheer via caroling or one-on-one story time.
  5. Practice hospitality by welcoming new students as a member of the Orientation Board.
  6. Raise awareness for the less privileged through hosting on-campus events, bringing in speakers, or leading discussions with the International Justice Mission or Project Okello.
  7. Serve the local church as a Bible Club leader, nursery worker, or worship team member, or by being part of the New Grace choir that ministers to local churches.
  8. Be part of an organization, club or athletic team, many of which travel and host ministry camps or serve in the United Way Day of Caring, among other community events and service days.
  9. Facilitate community growth and mentor fellow students as a resident assistant (RA).
  10. Take classes! Simply by being a student at Grove City College, you will encounter opportunities for service as part of your classwork, whether it takes you to a local school, church, or business to partner with folks outside the College.

As you explore, take advantage of our website, where you can search for groups and read up on what they do.

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