Grove City College is a beautiful campus. From the tall, stained glass windows of Harbison Chapel and the sleek brick and crawling ivy on Mary Anderson Pew to the ornate ironwork on Rainbow Bridge, the campus is filled with many aesthetically pleasing sites.
As someone with both an appreciation for beauty and a love of photography, I have enjoyed photographing the Grove City campus over my four years here. Taking pictures has always been fun for me, but it is especially fulfilling when the subject being captured is beautiful. The scenery at Grove City is unlike any other campus with its lush greenery and tall brick buildings with intricate detailing.
There are many places around campus that make for great shots. I’m particularly fond of taking outdoors, nature, and landscape scenes, so many of the photos I’ve taken around campus have fallen into these categories.

One of my favorite spots to snap photos is Rainbow Bridge and Wolf Creek. The flowing river and overarching bridge are beautiful in any season, but I especially love it in winter when it’s covered in snow and the creek partly freezes. The contrast of the dark water and the light snow is stunning and causes me to gaze in admiration every time I pass by.

I also love photographing Rockwell Hall of Science. The tall clock tower is a well known attribute of campus and is visible all the way down on lower campus. It is especially picturesque in the fall with the changing colors of the surrounding trees. The way the sun hits the glass windows at certain times of the day and the unique archway add to the pleasing view.
Harbison Chapel is another obvious beautiful building on campus. I love photographing its stained glass windows that brightly reflect the sunlight and its intricate structures. The sand colored brick and prominent steeple make it a stunning spectacle on campus. It is especially picture worthy as the sun sets in the backdrop. Lots of people enjoy stopping here for pictures because of its beauty.
There are plenty of other pretty places on campus that make for noteworthy photographs as well. Grove City has a great aesthetic appeal that makes walking around each day more enjoyable. It allows you to go out and appreciate the beauty of it and maybe even snap a few pictures along the way.