Discovering what you want to major in is a difficult decision. However, did you know there are 42 possible options for choosing a minor? A minor is similar to a major, the biggest difference is the number of credit hours it takes to achieve it. Choosing a minor is a great option for a student to consider if you want to extend your studies – or if you don’t want to choose just one area to focus in.
Like any big decision, there are good sides and bad sides to pursuing a minor. The good things include a more well-rounded concentration or distinction in what you choose to study. There are many minors that highly compliment certain majors. For example, a Classical Studies minor goes well with an Education major because it shows a specific area of interest in teaching. Similarly, a National Security Studies minor goes well with a Political Science major if you have an interest in government careers. This also spreads into the STEM majors, where you could major in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, or major in Chemistry with a minor in Biology. Another great perk about minors is that you do not have to declare your minor at any specific time. After taking a few classes and getting a feel for what your major entails, one can then discuss with an academic adviser the next steps to possibly declaring a minor.
There is one possible down side to declaring a minor. Most minors require at least 18 credit hours to be completed, and sometimes more. Consequently, most of your elective hours will be taken up by your minor. This is not necessarily a down side if you have a specific minor in mind that you know you want to pursue. If you are unsure of your minor and just want to try out a few classes outside of your major before deciding, you might run out of credit hours available to achieve a minor in time. In order to avoid this, it is best to get your core classes and required humanities electives completed in your first few semesters before taking outside electives. The best thing you can do is meet with professors outside of your major and ask questions about classes and expectations, then begin taking classes that would go towards achieving a minor.
The Registrar’s website has all the information you need to see what courses fall under each minor, and how many courses are required for each minor. Some of the most popular minors here at Grove City are Communications, Spanish, and Philosophy. There are many options to choose from that can highlight your specific skills and interests. Be sure to ask questions and explore other classes to find the career path that best suits you.