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An Insider’s Perspective on SGA


SGA stands for Student Government Association, and though this may be a well-kept secret, Grove City College’s SGA is one-of-a-kind.

Typically, when I hear the letters “SGA,” I think of a random collection of people who meet once a week and talk about “problems” around campus without really accomplishing anything. However, when I joined SGA for two years in a row, I discovered that it is nothing of the sort.

SGA plays a number of important roles on campus.

They represent the student body. First semester freshman year, I campaigned to become the Freshman Senator of Communications and Marketing. After winning the elections, I expected to design and hang posters around campus and sit in a weekly meeting – not much else.

Well, a lot of other things happen every day with SGA.

For example, every week or so the Student Affairs Committee gathers complaints from students all over campus and reports them to the College. This can be anything from a broken water fountain to a type of cereal to a garbage truck keeping students awake at two in the morning. SGA takes the wishes of the student body and make them a priority.

SGA also represents the student body by meeting regularly with staff, faculty, and even President McNulty himself. It is an incredible opportunity to network and to better understand the inner workings of the College.

They throw incredible events. Students easily overlook the number of events SGA is responsible for throwing. A few examples include: Food Feedback Forum, coffeehouses, Moonlight Breakfast, and the Gala. SGA is a fantastic place for students interested in event planning.

However, it is even easier to overlook the vast number of events SGA sponsors financially. This could be anything from a Lux Mea lecture to the Extravaganza (one of the coolest dances in the spring semester).

They are a catalyst of change. One student thought it would be incredible, if not impossible, to bring bubble soccer to campus. In the spring of 2015, SGA brought bubble soccer to the Freshman Hall Cup. Another student dreamed of throwing a Grove City version of Shark Tank, and soon she turned that idea into a reality with SGA. These are just a few examples of change implemented by Grove City College’s Student Government Association.

So, before making any assumptions concerning SGA, give them a chance. They’re an excellent group of individuals working hard behind the scenes to make the campus a better place.

And every fall semester, they are looking for five new freshmen to join their ranks.

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