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The Fellows Initiative: Pursuing Excellence

Pittsburgh FellowsAs a graduating senior, one of the most frightening questions you are faced with is “What comes next?” While you know that the past four years have prepared you for the journey ahead, a little healthy stress may find its way into your  thought process.

I had the good fortune of securing what my next step would be back in the end of my fall semester. I was accepted into a program known as the Pittsburgh Fellows, which is a leadership development program based out of St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley, just a short drive from Pittsburgh.

The Pittsburgh Fellows is dedicated to helping recent graduates at the beginning of their career. Through one of the many partners the Fellows are associated with, from PNC to UPMC, the Fellows work full hours from Monday through Thursday, learning from the businesses with whom you are placed. It’s a wonderful way to experience and learn more about the business world straight out of school.

Another way in which the Pittsburgh Fellows trains their Fellows is through mentorship with local business leaders, providing them with a professional sounding board that they can use and be built up by. The Pittsburgh Fellows doesn’t want to send their Fellows into the business world blind, but rather with a network around them that wants the best for them and looks to serve their best interest.15289148_1306178019420328_529824465072875269_o

The program is not only looking to foster career growth but also personal, spiritual growth. Fridays for the Fellows are dedicated to taking classes at Trinity School for Ministry, focusing on leadership, theology, and community involvement. The program’s seeks to prepare future business leaders, specifically focusing on positions within businesses in the Pittsburgh area.

One of the greatest resources the Pittsburgh Fellows provides a network of business-minded individuals, both program alumni and partner organizations. This network is formed and maintained with the intent to create a Christ-centered community, there to build up and assist young professionals and business leaders alike. Regular networking events and opportunities to connect are available for the Pittsburgh community.

While Pittsburgh has one of the most reputable programs, there are 25 programs across the United States that are dedicated to cultivating young Christians into strong leaders in their community. Along with the Pittsburgh Fellows, Grove City Students are currently participating in the Charlottesville, VA and Washington, D.C. Recently advertisements for the Chattanooga Fellows were posted around campus. Grove City is known for producing quality individuals, and these programs want to capitalize on these individuals, giving them more opportunities to excel.

I’ve had many opportunities to interact with current Fellows and those who run the program, and I am thrilled to be getting this opportunity. There’s nothing like the feeling of not only having a plan, but also having a plan that you know has long term benefits.

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