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Beginner’s Guide to Studying on Campus

Wondering where you can settle down with some textbooks and get work done other than your dorm room? Here is a beginner’s guide to the best places for studying on campus! Let’s begin.


The Study-Between-Classes Student – Sometimes you have 50 minutes of spare time between classes and don’t want to walk across campus to find places to study. Well, you’re in luck because HAL, Hoyt, Rockwell, and STEM all have tables and desks just for you! You can study right outside of your next classroom if you want to.

The Social Student – If you’re interested in “studying” but also socializing late into the night, the Student Union is the place for you! Also called the STU or the SAC (Student Activities Center), it is filled with tables and chairs perfect for a student or a number of students to set up camp. There is also food just a few feet away at the GeDunk, where you can get Starbucks to keep you up during your latest study sessions. Beans on Broad, the local coffee shop, is another excellent location for the social student.

You can also visit the Technological Learning Center (TLC). There are a lot of computers and desks set up, and lots of students constantly come back and forth from the TLC printing out projects/papers last second, so it’s the perfect place to snag a conversation.

The Drop-a-Pin Quiet Student – If you can’t stand noise, there are a few places you can go to:

  • The Library – This is always a gamble, but the library has random desks set up around bookshelves in a place called the “stacks.” A lot of the time, these are really quiet and have lots of natural lighting from open windows. And if you need to do some last minute research, you are conveniently located in the library already.
  • The Writing Center – This is a little known location between the TLC and the Library. It has tables and whiteboards and very comfortable chairs.
  • Rathburn Hall – Another less-known location, Rathburn Hall – the campus ministries building – is probably one of the quietest places on campus with many excellent rooms for studying.

The Study in Weird Places Student – If you’re looking for unique places to study, look no further! Crawford Hall (administrative building) has tables in random corners, and PEW (fine arts building) is filled with private spaces and benches to study. On warm days, there are picnic tables on lower campus under the cover of trees, and only cold days you could venture to the PLC (Physical Learning Center) and study while you ride the stationary bike. (Trust me – I’ve seen students do this before.)

Female Students – Ladies, you’re in luck because MAP dormitory has some of the best places to study! On the freshman halls in North, you can find random little rooms with desks and chairs just for you to study. You also have a crazy number of lobbies to choose from: South Lobby, South Rec, North Lobby, the Princess Lounge on the 2nd floor, the Princess Lounge on the 3rd floor, and the bird room on ground floor.

Hope this helped. Happy studying!

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