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An Insider’s Perspective on Life Advocates

Life Advocates, a campus organization, is a pro-life representative at Grove City College.


Even though Life Advocates is a relatively small organization, they do a lot on campus so sometimes it can be a little confusing trying to understand what their mission is. Essentially, you can break down the mission of Life Advocates into three categories:

  • Prayer
  • Education
  • Support of Alpha Omega

Prayer: Life Advocates incorporates prayer into every event, including weekly meetings. They gather together every Monday at 9pm and, after the usual meeting, they break into small groups and pray. They also offer rides to Pittsburgh twice a semester in order to pray in front of a Planned Parenthood facility. As a Christian group, they put a huge emphasis on prayer.

Education: Since they are the only pro-life organization on campus, Life Advocates takes their role in education very seriously. They bring speakers on campus, show educational documentaries, and provide educational print material. Every other year, they bring a pro-life speaker to chapel in the spring.

Support of Alpha Omega: Alpha Omega is a pregnancy center in Slippery Rock, and each semester, Life Advocates throws an event in order to raise funds for the center. Some of their usual events include the 5K in the fall and the Jane Austen Ball in the spring. They also volunteer at Alpha Omega every few weeks.

As a member, I can say that Life Advocates is truly a beautiful organization. I have served on Life Advocates for three years in a row, and each year I learned and grew so much. Sometimes on campus it can be difficult to feel as though you are involved with furthering the kingdom of God outside of Grove City College, but Life Advocates is one of the groups that helps bring purpose to campus.

Each member is so focused on promoting life, and the group overall is full of passion. If you are looking for a way to serve the Lord with a small group of active, compassionate people–Life Advocates is the group to join.

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