For this episode of Reel Life, I wanted to finish off the conversation I started about my favorite Grove City College study spots. As I said in Part 1 of this series, beautiful study spaces have always been important to me. When I was a high school junior and senior looking for colleges I could potentially call home, I wondered about their capacities to have pleasant, quiet spaces to study in. It was hard to get a firm read on this aspect of a campus, though. Most college tours or overnights happened too quickly to allow for detailed conversations on ‘hidden gem study spots’ or ‘best places to study’—at least not in as much depth as I would have liked.
If you are interested in Grove City College, you probably care a lot about academics. You are probably dedicated to your classes and to the studying they require. You might, like me, feel strongly that having a good place to study matters. All of that is part of the reason I wanted to get this topic—”Best Campus Study Spots”—on video for you. But more than that, I wanted to make it a two-part series for a few reasons. Firstly, we all study differently. Some people like to have friends and people around them while they study, whereas some like any quiet, accessible room, whereas others need complete silence and isolation. I covered six study spots in the last video, and I cover six more in this one, because I wanted to give as full a look as possible at the variety of spaces Grove City has to offer. I hope watching gives you a better idea of whether Grove City College can meet your specific needs when it comes to study spots.