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Student Spotlight: Alyssa Jackson

Alyssa Jackson, a Communication Studies and Visual Arts major and a Biblical and Religious Studies minor, reflected on her time at Grove City College as her junior year dwindles down. She described her college search before freshman year with how she thought she would be a music major. Alyssa even auditioned via video for Grove City’s music program, but they only accepted her as a minor. With some encouraging from her father, she decided to switch to her current major right before school started.

When asked about her involvement with groups, organizations, or extracurricular activities, Alyssa described what she does in her free time. “I’m a member and chaplain of Women of Faith, which is a campus ministry directed towards women on campus and in the community. We have weekly meetings in which I lead a devotion. I was a member of the varsity tennis team for two years and was captain my second year. Each of these leadership positions have been very different and I have learned a lot in each. I am the editor of the life section of the newspaper. Each week I have multiple tasks that need to be done in order to produce an issue of the paper each week. I work with a team of editors that I love and respect. This job definitely has its challenges, but it is something I wanted to do in the future. So I’m enjoying the experience.”

Alyssa hopes to work for a local newspaper, preferably as a reporter or a writer. Having a class with Dr. Potter in creative writing broadened her usual writing skills and taught her to express creativity in different ways. Dr. Miller’s journalism class was furthermore influential on her passion for writing. She also discussed her sense of a calling to be a wife and mother, in God’s timing. With her minor, Western Civilization with Dr. Mitchell and Biblical Ideas with Dr. Moeller have been classes that were some of the best teaching she has ever received.

“Dr. Mobley has been so helpful in planning for the future and encouraging me to be a go-getter. I also sat down and had an encouraging conversation with her about being a wife and mother. Also, with how God can use every aspect of our lives for his Glory. Dr. Miller has been in helpful in academics but is also a good friend of mine. I feel like I can talk to most anyone in the Comm Department about anything I may need,” Alyssa said.

She hopes that the Communication Studies and Visual Arts Department continues to host more exciting events that showcase the great life lessons that students learn by having the major. The application of communication is pertinent for her future job and with any relationship, before or after college. With it being a key in every single aspect of life, Alyssa discussed how it is not just an “easy, blow-off major.” “After all, if the study of communication is so easy, why is there so much miscommunication in the world?” Alyssa asked. The most important point she stressed was that the education and organization involvement she has received at Grove City College have sparked ideas that will affect her for the rest of her life.

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