Hyejin (Grace) Choi is a junior Pre-K-4 Elementary Education major at Grove City College. She is a Teacher’s Assistant, Education Ambassador, and enjoys reading in her free time. I discovered Grace in a Cross-Cultural Psychology class and quickly learned of her outstanding linguistic abilities, surplus of cultural knowledge, and desire to become a teacher.
Grace is a polyglot who speaks English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and a little Spanish to top it off. She was born in Michigan but received the opportunity to develop these language abilities by living around the world. Because her father was a South Korean diplomat, she experienced life in China, India, Thailand and South Korea. After these travels, she ventured back to the United States on her own at to continue her education at age 16.
When it came time to select an academy, she chose Grove City College because of the great education program that is provided. She appreciates how field-oriented the department is and commented, “There are certain things that classroom lectures just can’t teach.” Looking back on the past three years there she noted, “I am not a very social person, but GCC helped me to increase my in-group pool. It made me learn humility too, and with this education, I am sure that my call was to Elementary Ed.”
With only one more year to go at Grove City College, Grace has gotten excited to see what the future has in store for her. She exclaimed, “I really enjoy teaching. I hope to be caring for each student and impact his/her life in a positive way!”
Proverbs 9:9
English: Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
Korean: 지혜 있는 자에게 교훈을 더하라; 그가 더욱 지혜로워질 것이요. 의로운 사람을 가르치라; 그의 학식이 더하리라.
Chinese: 教 导 智 慧 人 , 他 就 越 发 有 智 慧 。 指 示 义 人 , 他 就 增 长 学 问 。
Japanese: 知恵のある人を教えなさい。その人は、ますます賢くなります。正しい人を教えなさい。その人は、さらに多くのことがわかるようになります。
Spanish: Instruye al sabio, y se hará más sabio; enseña al justo, y aumentará su saber.