Grove City College prepares its students for life after college well. Alex Locher graduated from the College in 2017 with a degree in Finance and Biblical and Religious Studies. Let us take a look at how Grove City College prepared Alex for his life post-graduation!
What did you study at Grove City and why did you choose to study it?
“I studied Finance and Biblical and Religious Studies (BARS) during my time at GCC. I chose Finance because I knew I wanted to get into the business world from a career standpoint post-graduation. However, I also had a deep interest in furthering my spiritual development while in college, so I went the Biblical and Religious Studies route as well even though I wasn’t planning on pursuing a career in formal ministry.”
What is one thing you wish you did differently during your time at the Grove?
“Looking back, I wish I would have spent more time developing deeper relationships with my professors, as they were all great resources and wonderful people.”
How did Grove City College prepare you for the “real world?”
“My Finance major gave me a lot of valuable knowledge about the economy and the way different markets operate. The classes provided a solid foundation for me to expand upon as I worked as a finance specialist at PNC and now as a financial advisor for Wells Fargo.”
What is your favorite memory from college?
“My favorite memories from college came from rooming with my brother during my sophomore year. He was a senior that year and we both decided to join the Alpha Omega housing group. It was cool to be able to spend so much time together and have that shared experience while at school. I’ll hold on to those memories for a very long time.”
I hope after reading some of Alex’s experience from the College, you are encouraged. Alex provides just a small glimpse into many success stories of Grove City students post-graduation. Grove City College prepares its students well. The College, regardless of your major, provides excellent resources and education to its students to prepare them for life after school. Do not fear, an education from Grove City will prepare you for the real world. Whether you choose to do something related to your major or not, you will be one of the hardest working employees because of your education. Please take advantage, as Alex said, of the professors in your major as they are a phenomenal resource for your career path.