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Author Archive | Natalie Colcombe

Students working in the mechanical engineering senior design lab

Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Projects

Did you know that mechanical engineering is the most popular major offered at Grove City College? The program has long been recognized by U.S. News and World Report for providing an outstanding education. The Department of Mechanical Engineering prepares students to excel in careers such as engineering research, design, manufacturing, production, sales, and management as […]

Dr. Anderson

Professor Spotlight: Dr. Anderson

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is home to a wide range of personalities and stories. One professor with an interesting background and field of expertise is Dr. Erik Anderson. Graduating from Gordon College with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Biology, he went on to pursue a Master’s in Biology and eventually a Ph.D. in […]

ICO Guatamala team 2017

A Crash Course in ICO Trips

ICO (Inner City Outreach) trips are a unique component of the campus ministry opportunities offered at Grove City College. These trips, often taking place during breaks within the school year, allow teams of students to travel and share God’s love in cities around the world. The teams often partner with a church or a local […]


It Is Okay to Be Undeclared: Part 1

From the time kids are young, they are constantly bombarded with questions regarding a future career. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This question often evokes responses such as ballerina, President, veterinarian, or basketball player. As kids mature, their responses change due to altering interests and realistic possibilities. Suddenly, it is […]

Grace DeMember playing guitar and singing

Student Spotlight: Worship Leader at Grove City College

Many students who attend Grove City College are musically gifted. This unique campus trend was something I noticed very early on in my time at the College. Because of the wide variety of organizations and events, there are many opportunities for students to engage in worship. Students who wish to take a leadership position often […]

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