This past summer I was very fortunate enough to keep my internship at a marketing firm called Become Known in downtown Cleveland. I have worked at Become Known for the past two summers doing digital marketing, search engine optimization, and general marketing for new products about to hit the market. I would say getting an internship is an excellent idea, especially for any business major. Not only does it help you gain experience in the work force, but it also helps you focus on what you may what to do in your career. Another great reason for getting an internship while here at Grove City College is that you are able to earn college credit! You may earn up to six credits, which helps with graduation requirements and is definitely worth the time and money.
To have your internship validated by the school you will first find a company where you would like to intern. Next, you will apply to your major’s department. This consists of listing the company name, your job description, the number of hours you anticipate working, and how many academic credits you would like to receive–60 hours of work is the equivalent to one credit. Then finally, you will need to find a professor in your department willing to be your advisor!
Most business majors try for internships in the summer after their sophomore and junior years. At this point, students have some experience and an idea of what they are doing. This way, companies can start training them during an internship so that when they graduate, they are an easy hire at the company because they already have an idea of how things are done.
Business majors are not the only ones that are able to earn college credit while doing an internship. Other majors, such as Mechanical Engineering and Exercise Science, are given opportunities as well through the our on-campus career fair. Both have the option to earn credit by doing a typical internship during the summer, but these majors also have a great opportunity to do a co-op. A co-op is when a student works for a company during a semester for credit, instead of going to school. Both internships and co-ops are great options to earn academic credit, as well as getting a head start on figuring out what you want to do in the work force and gaining experience.
While you should consider an internship, they are not for everyone. Many people here on campus have not had internships and do not feel any pressure at all to get one. Not getting an internship does not make you “behind in life” or “behind on credits.” A validated internship is an optional program that Grove City College offers students to help them get additional credits while they gain experience in the work force and focus in on what they want to do post-graduation.