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Author Archive | Rebekah Quinlan


On-Campus Jobs: MAP Dishroom

Being a Grove City student is definitely a full-time job in and of itself. Classes, chapel, orchestra, sports, Greek life, bible study: you name it, and you’ll be booked full in no time. But there’s one thing that should be a part of your schedule so that you can afford to be a student with […]


So You Want to Join the Marching Band

If you happen to be registered for a class called MUSI 100: Band this fall, then your first week on campus is guaranteed to be wildly different than everyone else’s. It varies a little depending on if you are a percussionist, an auxiliary member, or an officer, but it’s always a memorable week for everyone. […]


Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Mobley

Dr. Jennifer Mobley is a Communication Studies professor and advisor here at Grove City College. She’s taught several classes, including Research Methods, Public Relations, Writing for the Media, Professional Communication. I have taken Research Methods and Public Relations with her, and I can say that I have experienced her unique, hands-on, student-focused teaching style firsthand. […]


5 Fantastic Writing Concentrations

When I was deciding where to attend college, a big influence was whether or not the school offered a degree in writing. Some schools had English Writing majors, some offered various writing minors, and a handful didn’t have much to offer on the writing front. When I was looking at colleges three years ago, Grove […]

nate the great

Designing the Design Minor for 2017

In recent years, Grove City has been taking leaps and bounds in the Department of Communication. Not only are great new opportunities emerging within the writing program, but within the visual arts program as well. In the past five years, design professor Nate Mucha has been working hard to single-handedly build Grove City College’s Design […]

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