Ashley Mietlicki, Class of 2021, is a kind-hearted student here at Grove City College who loves sharing her passion for the Lord, playing softball, and enjoying time with friends around campus. This past summer, Ashley had the opportunity to go back to Summer’s Best Two Weeks (SB2W) and work as a camp counselor for the second year. SB2W is a well-known summer youth camp and family recreation park on the shores of beautiful Lake Quemahoning in Somerset County. A number of Grove City College students work at SB2W. In the following interview, you will get an inside look at life as a camp counselor at SB2W and the impact it had on Ashley’s faith.
What does a typical day look like for a camp counselor at SB2W?
As a counselor, I would wake up around 7:30 a.m. and prepare for the campers (aged 6-18 years old) to get up at 7:45 a.m. As soon as everyone in my cabin is ready for the day, we partake in morning exercises. During this time, counselors have the opportunity to share a devotional with our campers. This is a special time for myself because it allows me to share the Lord’s word with others. After devotionals, we ate breakfast and had competitions where campers could win points for their team. This allows campers to grow closer to one another and learn the importance of working in groups. Finally, after dinner, we have summer life nights where counselors put on skits and the camp director shares their thoughts about a passage in the Bible.
How has SB2W strengthened your faith?
It has given me the opportunity to learn not only from people my age but through the lives of campers. Watching the kids at camp interact with each other and show God’s love and forgiveness is always rewarding. I truly believe God has a plan for everyone’s life, and I got to witness this every day in the summer.
Is Grove City College affiliated with SB2W?
They are not directly affiliated with SB2W, but there are several Grove City College students who work at camp or have been campers themselves. There are flyers about camp displayed around campus and our camp director visits a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meeting. During their visit, they show a video from past summers and talk about their mission and vision.
What advice would you give to an incoming staff member from Grove City College?
One point of advice I would give an incoming staff member would be to go into camp open-minded. It might be very different than what you expected, even if you were a prior camper. Also, be super excited for all the opportunities that will come your way because there are ways that the Lord will work in your life that you would have never imagined, and there will be incredible people that you meet.
What is your favorite memory from this past summer?
My favorite memory is from our overnight trip during the last term of the summer. I led a biking excursion with one of my really good friends at camp. We got to spend time with our campers while bonding over God’s word, our love for nature, and the joy of biking.
If a prospective student wishes to get involved with Summer’s Best Two Weeks, please visit sb2w.org.