On April 2, the Oh Hellos musical act came to Grove City College’s very own Crawford Auditorium for a concert put on by the Stonebridge Concerts campus organization.
If you have not heard of the #DreamsGoLive campaign, you are missing out on something big happening on Grove City’s campus. Click here to read more in depth about the #DreamsGoLive story.
Grace Leuenberger and her team at Stonebridge saw the “dream” go live this past weekend. The Oh Hellos and their opening act, the Gray Havens, performed a musical concert that set the entire college campus ablaze with an excitement that only quality music and its evoked energy can ignite.
This event was a long awaited one, especially by Leuenberger herself. Now, it’s time to hear from the campus. How did they receive the musical acts? Well, I took to social media to find out some quotes. Let’s just say, there were quite positive reviews. Below, there are brief snapshots of what people are saying on social media about the concert.
Here’s a few tweets found on Twitter following the event!
Words I never imagined saying but that deff came out of my mouth last night at @theohhellos concert: “that violinist is so metal”
— Melody (@MelodyJoanne) April 3, 2016
Amazing performance from @theohhellos at @GroveCtyCollege . Great to see how on-campus performances can bring students together.
— Shannen Stiffler (@srstiffler915) April 3, 2016
AH YO @theohhellos WERE SO GOOD A+ NIGHT
— Gabby Wood (@BaconStampede) April 3, 2016
#noexaggerations BEST CONCERT EVER = @theohhellos and @thegrayhavens @grovecitycollege pic.twitter.com/tkHqWRqLB5
— Vincent Anastasi (@VincentAnastasi) April 3, 2016
And here’s a few posts from the campus community on Instagram, after the event:
A photo posted by Evan (@evan_broome) on Apr 3, 2016 at 10:36am PDT
A video posted by Stonebridge Concerts (@stonebridgeconcerts) on Apr 2, 2016 at 9:28pm PDT
So you’ve seen the posts, and the people have spoken. I think it is safe to say, the Oh Hellos and The Gray Havens did not disappoint, and the event was certainly one to remember.
Here’s a closing thought from Grace:
4-2-16 will be a day I remember til my last. So much love to @theohhellos.
“There’s so much to be grateful for, words are poor things.”
— Grace Leuenberger (@glossatorgrace) April 3, 2016