So you’ve decided to come to Grove City College. The process is over, you’ve announced your decision to friends and family, and you just submitted your deposit. You can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Almost.
It’s time to start considering the details of your freshman year at Grove City College, one of which is determining who will be your first roommate(s). It can seem like a daunting and slightly overwhelming task. I mean, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to choosing which total stranger will be your roommate for your first year away from home.
But you need not fret. Here are several tips and considerations for finding a roommate.
How to find a roommate:
- Use Schools App. Schools App is an app you can use to connect with other students who have been admitted to the GCC class of 2021. It resembles the Facebook platform. You can find information about it in your acceptance folder! Log on to the app to see who your peers will be during your time at GCC. Take time to post and meet potential roommates!
- Try out the Roommate Finder. Over the summer you’ll receive information about the Roommate Finder. It’s an online service provided by the College that allows you to take a survey about your living habits (i.e. when you go to bed, if you sleep with the lights on, etc.). Your survey answers are then compared with that of other individuals and the program develops a list of people that you might consider rooming with. This is a helpful place to start your roommate choosing process.
- Go random. If you don’t have an interest in choosing a roommate, the college will pick one for you. Some people love the surprise. Some people end up meeting their best friend because they chose to go random. Of course there’s some level of risk involved, but it could end up being the best decision you make!
Things to consider when choosing a roommate:
- Do you have similar interests? You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate but if you’re completely opposite people, you might find it hard to connect, talk, or hang out while you’re living together. Find a common point of interest (i.e. sports, music taste, major, etc.).
- Who’s the extrovert and who’s the introvert? Figure out each other’s social style. If you’re a social butterfly, you may have a hard time motivating your introverted roommate to hang out in groups outside of the room. If you’re a major introvert, you may be bothered when your extroverted roommate wants to host a game night in your room. Extroverts and introverts can certainly room together but it’s helpful to know some about your potential roommate’s personality before agreeing to room together.
- Do you prefer a clean or messy room? This may sound cliche but for ages, cleanliness (or lack thereof) has been the source of roommate conflict. Find out if your potential roommate is clean or messy. Be honest about which you yourself are. If you classify yourself as a “clean freak” you probably won’t appreciate a pile of dirty laundry collecting at the foot of your roommate’s bed or the left over pizza sitting out from last week’s movie night. If you know you tend to be a messier person or “less neat”, you probably won’t appreciate when your roommate asks you to take out the trash, vacuum the floor, or fold the pile of laundry at the foot of your bed. Think about finding someone with a similar level of cleanliness.
Finding a freshman roommate can be an overwhelming task, but I can assure you, you have nothing to fear. My freshman roommates ended up being some of my best friends. During this time, take the opportunity to search, connect and talk with your future peers.
And don’t forget to pray. Who you room with during your first year at GCC will drastically shape your experience. Pray that the Lord would direct you to the right person and that your relationship would be healthy, encouraging and uplifting.