Veterans Day is a time to remember those who have served our country. To spend a day commemorating the sacrifices of the military seems like such a small token to show my gratitude. I believe the men and women serving, both actively and those who are veterans, should be remembered and prayed for daily. My family is very involved in the military and when I see a military member in uniform, I go up to them, shake their hand, and thank them for their service. It is the least I can do. We cannot understand the horrors of war if we have not experienced them. Thankfully, there are those brave enough to answer the call to serve others and our country before themselves.
At Grove City College, there have been many graduates who have answered that call to serve. For Veterans Day 2017, the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity at Grove City College sponsored a Veterans Day Assembly. The assembly was held on Friday, November 10th in Sticht Lecture Hall. When I saw the poster in the Student Union announcing the assembly, I knew I wanted to go. My brother-in-law is currently an Air Force pilot, my uncle went to West Point, my dad was an Air Traffic Controller, and my great-uncle died in Iwo Jima at age 19. Having family directly involved in the military makes me appreciate their sacrifice even more.
The assembly began with a showing of a Vietnam War documentary film by Liam Hughes. The film was very informative about the sequence of events leading up to, during, and after the Vietnam war. There was also historical footage and scenes of the war itself. Seeing the footage makes the war come to life. When I read about wars in textbooks, it seems just like a story. Watching footage of bombings and the causalities of war makes me realize the horrors that occurred and the strength that it took to endure.
After the documentary, three Grove City College graduates and all members of the United States Air Force, spoke about their experiences serving. Colonel Chris Miller attended Grove City College from 1978-1982 and was a member of the ROTC. He served 25 years as a C-130 navigator. The C-130 was used mostly for tactical airlift operations. Colonel Miller shared many stories from his years of service. Dr. Bruce Ketler is a veteran Air Force pilot. He served in the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and Iraqi Freedom. David Post graduated from Grove City College in 2014 and is a 1st Lieutenant and a C-130 navigator in the Air Force. Hearing their stories and some of the close calls and dangerous situations they have been in was really an eye-opening experience.
So, make sure to thank a veteran or anyone in the military. I do not think that we should wait for one day a year to show our appreciation for those who serve. What are some ways to show your gratitude? First, you can approach anyone you see in their military uniform, or if they are wearing a veteran hat. Thank them for their service and shake their hand. It means so much to them. In airports, I often see military members in their uniform, so that is a great opportunity to approach them. Secondly, look online for websites that do service projects for veterans and military members. Many accept care packages, handmade scarfs and hats, and paracord bracelets. Once, I ordered some paracord and taught myself how to make the bracelets and then send them to a military care package facility. Thirdly, write a thank you note. A heartfelt note can brighten someone’s day! Lastly, pray for our military daily. Prayer is so important and it is the least that we can do to show our support.