It is the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, finals week is fast approaching. While some students dread finals week, others say that it is their favorite time of the semester. Why is that? It is the time where there is a whole day reserved in the middle of the week to study, called Study Day. There are no other assignments due and just some tests to take. Once the final test is over, a feeling of relief comes over me. I am done with that class forever!
So how do finals work at Grove City College? Below is the final exam schedule for this semester. Every professor is required to give a final exam. Exam week begins with night class exams being held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. Thursday is Study Day. Study Day is great because there are no other activities scheduled and the buildings on campus are all open for students to utilize. If you get up early, you can choose the best spot to study. The rest of the exams are then held on Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Final exams have a two-hour time limit, though in many of the exams I have taken I do not need the full two hours.
As a senior, I will list the pros and cons of finals week from my experience here at Grove City College.
-Not easy to get distracted because there are no other assignments due
-Just focus on studying
-No other activities or events are planned
-Study Day is essentially a “free day”
-Can study anywhere
-Many churches open their doors and allow students to study there
-Once you finish the final exam, you are done with the class!
-Winter break is approaching soon!
-You can take the exam as fast as you would like, and then leave when finished
-No more homework or assignments
-You do have to take a bunch of tests
-More material to memorize since it is comprehensive
-So many essays!
-A two-hour time limit may be not long enough for some students
-Not much social time since everyone is studying
-Can get boring if you have already studied and there is nothing else to do on campus
-We get out later than most schools for winter break
-Possible bad weather
-If you make some friends in that class, you may not have class with them again
-You may really enjoy the class and not want it to end