The great thing about being a student at Grove City College is that each day is an opportunity to learn more about oneself. Transferable skills are taught that can be utilized every day to fuel students’ passions and hobbies. Senior Madison Haskell, nicknamed “Maskell,” is a great example of someone who has applied what she has learned at the College in order to chase her dreams.
Maskell is a Slippery Rock University transfer that quickly adapted to her new environment. She is a driven Communications major that is extremely involved in extracurricular activities. Over the past few years she has participated in the following activities:
• Sigma Delta Phi Sorority Philanthropy Chair
• Marching Band Dance Line
• Color Guard
• Speech and Debate
• Spring Dance
• Orchesis & Greek Sing Choreographer
• Big Sister/Little Sister Program
• Numerous Retail & Marketing Jobs
Although she seems to be continuously busy, she still makes time for doing what she loves most.
Maskell competes in many national pageants such as Miss Ohio and Miss Midwest. Currently she is also working hard to prepare for a competitive spot in New York’s fashion week this coming fall. Throughout her competitions one thing remains the same. She uses her pageants as a platform to advocate body dysmorphia and self harm issues. She hopes that sharing her story will help her to reach out to other men and women to create positive change in the world.
Although she has always been ambitious, her classes at the College have given her an extra confidence boost. Dr. Allen taught her to not just accept her failures, but to embrace them and use them for good and in Dr. Mobley’s classes she experienced positivity and inspiration that helped her set the bar high for herself. She left each class knowing how she could apply the lectures and why they were important to her future career. Haskell commented, “Although I have found wisdom and confidence in my failures and mistakes, Grove has enforced the nature that God has my best interest at heart. His love and mercy gives us strength to follow the journey he has planned for us.”