Fill in the blank: There is never a dull moment at __________________________. If you said Grove City College you are correct! Grove City College, its various departments and organizations, sports teams, and on-campus groups all take part in maintaining a consistently entertaining campus life. With events, dances, meetings, games, and loads more forms of entertainment on campus there is rarely a weekend where there is nothing to do.
One of the events in specific which takes place every spring semester is the Tri-RHO Extravaganza. This event is put on by the Tri-RHO housing group, which is one of the College’s nine men’s housing groups, and is open to all of campus. The tri-RHO Extravaganza is a dance which takes places in the Hicks Dinning Hall. The Extravaganza is always a very popular event on campus and draws large crowds as it is usually the first dance of the spring semester and due also to the high quality of the event. Aside from dancing, there are an assortment of appetizers and drinks. The music at the dance, although the dress is formal, is usually the average dance songs mixed in with modern hits creating a great atmosphere for having fun with friends and boogying down. One other key attraction this event has is the signature photo booth where guests can get their picture taken in front of the tri-RHO banner. As can be seen, this event is a great time on campus and supplies students the opportunity to take a break from studies and homework and to just have a little fun.
This event has always been one of my favorites at Grove City College and has made for a lot of great memories. One specific memory that I attach to this event and that will forever be a part of my life is my first experience attending this dance. This is because this dance happened to be the first time I ever hung out with and the first time I ever attended a dance with my current fiancé. To give some backstory, at the time of this dance my freshman year I was texting back and forth with a girl I knew from back home. In our texting I casually invited her to this dance expecting her to give me an excuse to why she could not come but instead, being the spontaneous woman she is, she answered my questions with an unexpected, “Yes.” The day of the event arrived and I picked her up from her car and we went to the dance. Long story short, we had a great time dancing around at the event and with my friends. It is because of this night that my relationship with this, at the time, stranger begin to flourish and that this event and the night of February 5, 2016 will forever be an important and an amazing date in my life.